The post assessment pathway documents for Autism and ADHD can be found on this page. These documents have been developed in collaboration with education, health and care colleagues as well as parent carers, children and young people. They have been developed to support education settings, practitioners, and parent carers so that everyone better understands the post-assessment pathway.
Services that also support neurodiverse children and young people include:
- Children and Young People’s Neurodevelopmental Partnership
- Portage
- Early Years SENCO
- Educational Psychology Service (EPS)
- Access to Inclusion Team (autism and communication specialist advisory teachers)
- Children’s Autism Outreach Team (CAOT)
- Children with Disabilities Service (CwD)
- Family Intervention Service (FIS)
- Autism Friendly Libraries and The Autism Collection
- Somerset Parent Carer Forum (SPCF)
- Young Somerset
- Dynamic Support Register and Care Education and Treatment Reviews
- Somerset Autism Spectrum Service (adults)
- Somerset Adult ADHD Service
You can also find support from the following groups and charities focussing on neurodivergence:
- Autism Central
- Rainbow Connect
- ADHD Somerset
- Coffee, Chat and Support (Taunton)
- Frome Autism and ADHD Parent Forum
If you have any questions about the pathway or the documents on this page, please email:
What schools can offer after a diagnosis
Schools and parent carers can access ADHD training with Educational Psychology to find out what ADHD is as well as what it isn’t, explore differences, and offer practical strategies and guidance to support children and young people with ADHD .
You can also find out more about the strategies being used by schools to develop inclusive environments on the Autism in Schools, Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools, and The SCERTS model pages.
Celebrating strengths and differences
Autism Education Trust have created a video celebrating autistic strengths and differences.
Recognising and understanding these differences leads to better support being available for autistic children and young people. Key to this understanding is recognising that the autistic spectrum is not a single line from low to high; it is a complex combination of many overlapping characteristics. While there may be some shared characteristics, every autistic person is unique, with their own strengths, differences and needs. Being different is something to be celebrated.