Autism and ADHD SENCO Discussion Group

Termly group for Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCO) to share information, ask questions, and attend training related to the Autism and ADHD Pathway

Part of
Autism and ADHD Pathway

What you can expect when going through the Autism and/or ADHD Assessment Pathway

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Termly group for Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCO) to share information, ask questions, and attend training related to the Autism and ADHD Pathway

OverviewAudienceDates and themesBook a placeWatch again

Part of
Autism and ADHD Pathway

What you can expect when going through the Autism and/or ADHD Assessment Pathway


Pre Assessment Autism and ADHD Pathway

Receiving support at the earliest stage without the need for a diagnosis. Making a smooth transition to assessment for those who require it.

Pre Assessment Autism and ADHD PathwayAutism and ADHD SENCO Discussion GroupMyths busting of assessment and diagnosis

Post Assessment Autism and ADHD Pathway

Appropriate support for those who receive a diagnosis, and signposting for those who don't.

Post Assessment Autism and ADHD PathwayPost Diagnostic Pathway for ADHDADHD medicines shortageSupporting children and young people who are demand avoidantWhat if I don’t agree?


These termly sessions are for SENCOs to support with the neurodevelopmental pre-assessment pathway.

There is a theme for each session, and time for questions and answers, case discussion and updates about the pathway.


This is a professional group for SENCOs .

Dates and themes

Sessions are all between 1 and 3pm.  The first hour is themed, the second hour gives a chance for updates on the pathway and questions and answers.

Future dates include:

  • 2 July 2025, theme to follow.

Book a place

Sessions are run virtually, through Microsoft Teams.

SENCOs who have attended previously will be sent a link.  New SENCOs wishing to attend should register by emailing

A Microsoft Teams meeting invite will be sent out to everyone previously, or newly, registered.

Watch again

You can watch again the session with Educational Psychology on reasonable adjustments for neurodivergent children and young people from February 2025, or download the presentation.

You can watch again the session with the Access to Inclusion Advisory Teachers on neuro-affirming environments from June 2024, or download the neuro-affirming environments presentation. The session encourages you to use the Checklist for a neuro-affirmative classroom which can be downloaded below.

You can watch again the session with the Children and Young People Neurodevelopmental Partnership Occupational Therapy Lead and Educational Psychology Lead on demand avoidance from March 2024.

You can watch again the session with the Children and Young People Neurodevelopmental Partnership Occupational Therapy Lead on masking and autism from November 2023.


Last updated: February 28, 2025

Next review due: August 28, 2025

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