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Making a request for an Education Health and Care needs assessment

The Graduated Response provides information on how education settings can provide support

Part of
Education, Health and Care plans

The process of support for children and young people who have significant special educational needs and disabilities

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Part of
Education, Health and Care plans

The process of support for children and young people who have significant special educational needs and disabilities


Most children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities will have their needs met in local mainstream early years settings, schools or colleges through SEN support offered as part of the school’s own provision. Somerset’s Gradual Response Tool provides information on how education settings can provide this support.

Find more information and support around the graduated response to SEND, such as the Somerset Graduated Response Tool and supporting documents.

Where provision cannot reasonably be provided through services that are normally available, it may be necessary to request an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) needs assessment, to find out whether an EHC plan is required.

Ideally, families and education settings will have made this decision in collaboration and if the education setting is making the request, parental consent must always be gained. If a request is made in a college setting and the young person is in year 12, consent must be gained from the young person, not the parent.

A strong request for assessment will include evidence of a completed full graduated response and will include multiple pieces of evidence detailing how previous support that was put in place has not been effective for the child/young person over a period of time, for example, numerous Assessment, Plan, Do, Review (APDR) cycles. See the Effective Support document above for more guidance on the graduated response. A checklist is available for supporting settings to make a quality request for an Education Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA). It has been developed by a working group including SENCos, advisory services and Somerset Parent Carer Forum.

The presence of a registered diagnosis or any other health or social care need will not necessarily mean that an EHC plan is required. A request for an EHC needs assessment is appropriate when it can be shown that those needs impact a child or young person’s ability to access education in a way that cannot be supported through the setting’s own SEN support. An EHC needs assessment is the start of the process to see when an EHC plan is required.

The role of the Statutory SEND Team

The Statutory SEND Team deliver all of the local authority’s statutory duties in relation to SEND :

  • Managing the statutory EHC needs assessment process
  • Reviewing the Education, Health, and Care plans (EHC plans)
  • Commissioning of educational placements or packages for children and young people who have EHC plans
  • Chairing and coordinating the multi-agency statutory panel
  • Ensuring provision of independent information, advice and support service for parents, carers and children or young people
  • Dispute resolution including disagreement resolution, mediations and tribunals

Last updated: November 15, 2024

Next review due: May 15, 2025

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