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Education Health and Care plans and school travel

If a child or young person is of statutory school age and has an Education, Health and Care plan, the local authority will provide travel assistance

Part of
Education, Health and Care plans

The process of support for children and young people who have significant special educational needs and disabilities

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Part of
Education, Health and Care plans

The process of support for children and young people who have significant special educational needs and disabilities


If a child or young person is of statutory school age and has an Education, Health and Care plan, the local authority will provide travel assistance if they attend the nearest, appropriate school for their age and needs, and live beyond the statutory walking distance of 2 miles for pupils under 8 and 3 miles for those aged 8 and over.

We will also consider providing travel assistance if the school is within the statutory walking distance, but the child has an Education, Health and Care plan or a long-term disability and there are exceptional grounds that mean it is necessary for us to provide travel assistance.

The deadline for school travel assistance applications for children transferring from a primary phase school to a secondary phase school is 31 July. If your application is received by 31 July, school travel assistance will be guaranteed for the start of term in September. If the application is received after this date, school travel assistance may not be available for the start of term.

Some families find Personal Travel Payments gives them greater freedom to make their own decisions and arrangements about how their child will get to and from school each day.

Exceptions to the criteria

If a child or young person lives less than the statutory walking distance from their school, travel assistance would only be considered if they are attending their catchment or nearest school.

It would have to be agreed that the child or young person cannot make their own way to school (even with a responsible adult accompanying the child). Evidence from the child’s or young person’s doctor, consultant or medical professional will be needed.

Applying for school travel assistance

Travel assistance is provided at the beginning and end of the official school day from a defined pick-up and setting down point, not necessarily the home address. Journeys outside of the official school day remain the responsibility of the parents and carers.

Applications must be received by 31 July to guarantee that transport will be in place for September.

Families will be contacted by phone to carry out a risk assessment to make clear any needs that should be taken into consideration. From these conversations, transport arrangements can be decided and communicated.

Last updated: November 19, 2024

Next review due: May 19, 2025

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