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Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC plans)

Information about when an Education, Health and Care plan may be required

Part of
Somerset’s Graduated Response Tool

The purpose of this pathway is to ensure every child and young person in a Somerset school receives the support they are entitled to

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Part of
Somerset’s Graduated Response Tool

The purpose of this pathway is to ensure every child and young person in a Somerset school receives the support they are entitled to


Statutory Special Educational Needs (SEN) information

Statutory Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) information

Expectations for Whole School Inclusion

Expectations for Whole School Inclusion

Inclusion for each Broad Area of Need

Information about the four areas of need set out in the Code of Practice

Inclusion for each Broad Area of Need

Graduated Response Tool – Complex Medical Needs

Graduated Response Tool – Complex Medical Needs

Supporting tools, documents and signposting

Supporting tools, documents and signposting



  • Most children and young people with SEN will have their needs met in their local mainstream setting
  • A few children and young people will have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan
  • Most children and young people with an EHC plan will also attend their mainstream setting

An EHC plan may be required when the nature and extent of a children or young person’s special educational needs or disability mean the support they require cannot be provided within resources normally available to mainstream settings. See the Funding section for more information.

Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA)

The Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) is a 20-week statutory process set out in the Code of Practice. Requests for statutory needs assessment could be considered after following a graduated response (see the section above for more information). A request for statutory needs assessment could be considered where ‘despite relevant and purposeful action to identify, assess, and meet the SEN of the child or young person’ they have not made expected progress – Code of Practice, 6.63.

Visit the following links for more information

Children and young people with an EHC plan require the appropriate strategies and support outlined in the Universal and SEN Support sections within this Somerset Graduated Response Tool. Any special educational provision they require will be detailed in Section F of their EHC plan. Strategies and approaches included in the Somerset Graduated Response Tool document will not usually be included in Section F as they are considered normally available in all settings. However, an intervention or strategy described in this document might also be included in Section F if it needs to be delivered in a specific or personalised way. The provision included in Section F will usually specify the frequency, duration, and nature of the support required.

Last updated: November 13, 2024

Next review due: May 13, 2025

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