Quick Checker – Communication and Interaction

Noticing concerns and identifying barriers within the Communication and Interaction area of need

Part of
Somerset’s Graduated Response Tool

The purpose of this pathway is to ensure every child and young person in a Somerset school receives the support they are entitled to

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Part of
Somerset’s Graduated Response Tool

The purpose of this pathway is to ensure every child and young person in a Somerset school receives the support they are entitled to


Statutory Special Educational Needs (SEN) information

Statutory Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) information

Expectations for Whole School Inclusion

Expectations for Whole School Inclusion

Inclusion for each Broad Area of Need

Information about the four areas of need set out in the Code of Practice

Inclusion for each Broad Area of Need

Graduated Response Tool – Complex Medical Needs

Graduated Response Tool – Complex Medical Needs

Supporting tools, documents and signposting

Supporting tools, documents and signposting


The Quick Checker can be used to support conversations between class teachers and parent carers at the initial concern stage. The Quick Checker is not a diagnostic tool but it is designed to identify barriers within the Communication and Interaction area of need.

Quick Checker for Communication and Interaction - Expressive language

For the statements below, consider if there are concerns for the child or young person’s:

  • expressive language – their ability to use language to communicate with others, for example, finding the words they need or putting them in a cohesive sentence
  • difficulty with speech sound or articulation skills
  • difficulty using speech sounds accurately
  • ability to use and express their ideas with clearly voiced and fluent speech, for example, stammering

Quick Checker for Communication and Interaction - Receptive language

For the statements below, consider if there are concerns for the child or young person’s:

  • ability to understand and process language including auditory memory and vocabulary, for example, remembering the length of a sentence
  • ability to understand a sentence as a whole, for example, may cue into certain words
  • attention and/or listening skills – their ability to engage successfully with language
  • difficulty with sequencing words or events to tell a story

Quick Checker for Communication and Interaction - Social and non-verbal communication

For the statements below, consider if there are concerns for the child or young person’s:

  • social communication, difficulty with social understanding and interaction, for example, building and maintaining friendships
  • the rigidity of thought, for example, the ability to manage changes in routine, literal understanding and use of language
  • difficulties with non-verbal communication such as eye contact, interpreting facial expressions, non-verbal cues and prompts, body language
  • poor awareness of the needs of the listener and what’s appropriate, for example, not giving context, detail, speed of speech, tone of voice
  • poor conversation skills, not taking turns, taking on board other’s ideas, following another’s topic of conversation, using a monologue, dominating the conversation

Last updated: November 13, 2024

Next review due: May 13, 2025

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