In Somerset we are ambitious about improving the lives of children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).
We are committed to working together within a culture of openness, transparency, and trust.
To do this we need a strong and effective partnership that brings together the people who commission and provide SEND services with people who use these services.
The SEND Partnership Board is responsible for the development and monitoring of the strategy for SEND services in Somerset. It enables joint decision making across the Local Area and acts to ensure that appropriate resources are in place to secure delivery of SEND services and service improvement. In doing so the Board will ensure services and improvement activity contributes towards meeting the key SEND outcomes for children and young people.
A more detailed description of the board’s role, including membership, can be found in the Terms of Reference.
Minutes of the board meetings will be posted on the local offer within 14 days of the meeting taking place. Future meetings will take place monthly with the exception of August.