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Schools Audit

How we audit school's websites


Schools and colleges need to provide certain information on their website under the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) code of practice:

  • Special Educational Needs information report: Contains information on what you have been doing/providing. (refer to section 6.79 page) Should be co-produced with children, young people and their parents/ carers. (Annually updated)
  • SEND policy: Shows how provision is designed/planned and will be delivered (6.81 p107) Children, young people and their parent carers should be consulted. (Updated at least every 3 years)
  • Accessibility plan: Outlines features of the site that enable it to be accessible for example ramps, lift, hoist in changing room, accessible toilet, and height adjustable desks. (6.2 p92) The plan needs to show how they plan to improve access progressively over time.
  • Local offer link: Web link to Somerset’s Local Offer (6.81 p107)​

School website compliance audit

Twice a year the Somerset Parent Carer Forum audit all school websites to make sure they are meeting the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice. An action plan is developed to work with schools and colleges to improve the information they share.

Common issues found by the audit include:

  • Local Offer links are broken or hidden in documents
  • Documents are not signed or dated
  • Reviews of documents have not taken place – outdated
  • Not evidencing co-production with parents and young people
  • Somerset SENDIAS (our Information Advice and Guidance service) is often referred to as Parent Partnership (old name) and the contact details are wrong
  • Documents are not as pdfs or are viewed sideways
  • There is confusion between the report to governors and the SEND Information Report

You can see the progress made (including data from 2016) and the action plan in the report below.

Updating records

Schools and colleges wanting to add or update their provider records will need to complete an update form selecting ‘School/College’ as the type. This form link can also be found at the bottom of your school or college’s Local Offer record where it says ‘Update Record’.

Sample text

To help schools we have put together 2 sample texts which they may want to use on their website and in documents.

Sample text for Somerset’s SEND Local Offer:


Somerset’s SEND Local Offer is our local hub of information and guidance for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), their families and professionals in Somerset.  Explore services available to support you and how to access them.

The banner below can also be used to help signpost people.

Sample text for SEN Information Report and reference to the Somerset Graduated Response Tool:


How will school staff support my child?

Somerset Graduated Response Tool

Quality first teaching underpins all educational provision. It focuses on inclusive practice and breaks down barriers to learning. For the majority of children this can be achieved by identifying specific barriers, followed by personalisation and differentiation using strategies as identified in the Somerset Graduated Response Tool. The Somerset Graduated Response Tool breaks down SEN into four broad areas of need. This targets specific support for teachers to plan and for any interventions to take place. You can learn more about the Somerset Graduated Response at:

Discover more at and

You can find further information on the Support Services for Education website, including template documents to support statutory compliance.

If you are experiencing difficulties with updating your information on the local offer platform, please email

Last updated: November 15, 2024

Next review due: May 15, 2025

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