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Local Offer Feedback 2024

Keeping you up-to-date with what you have told us

Feeding back on the Local Offer

We love hearing from you. Without insightful feedback we don’t know what you want us to improve. We really want to make this site work for you.

You will find a link at the end of each page where you can tell us if there is a problem with information or if something isn’t working properly.

Information provided is anonymous. Is the page not clear, not up to date or correct, or not working? How can we make it better?

You can also email us at or message us @LocalOfferSomerset on Facebook.

Reporting what you tell us

Each year we summarise statistics on usage, key messages from feedback, and our actions and plan for the next year in our Local Offer Annual Report. But feedback does not come in just once a year so this page is kept up to date with feedback as we receive it and what we are doing about it.

Over the year we have acted on your feedback. See more information about how we have done this below.


Parent carers said the site is really helpful and they wish they had been told about it sooner. In response, we

  • have developed some publicity resources and are encouraging professionals to use these when they meet with families, posters have been shared with schools, GP surgeries, hospitals and libraries
  • have developed a training module to help people who advise families to understand what SEND is, what the Local Offer is and how it can be used
  • are attending events such as coffee mornings and family fun days with a stall to help raise awareness
  • are attending meetings of professionals and voluntary organisations who advise families such as Connect Somerset hubs, SENDIAS, Contact Centre, Healthwatch
  • are providing regular updates to newsletters such as SEND News, Education Bulletin, Early Years Bulletin, GP Bulletin, Children’s Social Care Update to inform professionals of key page updates to be aware of

Lack of a roadmap

Parent carers said there isn’t a roadmap to say this is where you are and this is your next step.

We have made clearer pathways through information using steps to show where you are in the process and what comes next. Last year we used a new format on the Education, Health and Care Plans pages. The pages takes you on a journey breaking down the process into steps, which is often numbered. Eligibility criteria and supporting documents or referral forms are available in the relevant steps to avoid overwhelming before you get to that point. It is clear what comes next but also what should have happened before.

This year we are adding or updating more sections to this style. For example:


Parent carers have mentioned information can be too wordy.

We have tried to use headings more to allow people to skim read and jump to the right part of the page. We are updating text to reduce the reading age of key pages.

We include videos or animations where they are available and encourage services to do this. This has included separate videos per proposal in our funding and provision for children with additional needs consultation. We are considering alternative formats such as podcasts and diagrams.

Contacting services

Parent carers have let us know when the contact details provided do not work for their communication needs.

We are reviewing content to ensure both a phone number and email address are available where possible.

Accessing downloads

Parent carers and professionals are telling us that links to document downloads are not working.

We identified there can be a problem with firewalls stopping users accessing a SharePoint system outside of their own organisations. Often this can be overcome by using the browser in incognito mode. We are encouraging school and organisations to adjust their firewall settings, to avoid needing to do that.

We are looking into other document file storage options as well. We are trying to avoid using documents where their content can be a webpage. This helps with accessibility.

Last updated: January 10, 2025

Next review due: July 10, 2025

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