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Local Offer Feedback 2022

Keeping you up to date with what you've told us

Feeding back on the Local Offer

We love hearing from you. Without insightful feedback we don’t know what you want us to improve. We really want to make this site work for you.

You will find a link at the end of each page where you can tell us if there is a problem with information or if something isn’t working properly. Information provided is anonymous. Is it not clear, not up to date or correct, or not working? How can we make it better?

You can also email us at or message us @LocalOfferSomerset on Facebook.

Reporting what you tell us

Each year we summarise statistics on usage, key messages from feedback, and our actions and plan for the next year in our Local Offer Annual Report.

But feedback doesn’t come in just once a year, so this page is kept up to date with feedback as we receive it and what we are doing about it.

This year you are saying and we are doing

We have made better, more focused search results

  • We are now using Google Custom Search for information and advice.
  • We use this already on and we know it works well.

More control over the order of results

We are using a separate, bespoke search for directories – SEND services, schools, and childcare. This allows more control over the order of results to make relevant to you – location, age group, type of services and more.

We have made clear pathways through information

  • Where processes are complicated, we have a design pattern to help to take you through each step.
  • By laying out the process using steps we can help to give you an understanding of where you are and what comes next.

For example, Education, Health and Care Plans – The page takes you on a journey breaking down the process into steps (often numbered). Eligibility criteria and supporting documents or referral forms are available in the relevant steps to avoid overwhelming before you get to that point. It is clear what comes next but also what should have happened before.

We have put the information in the right place

  • Somerset Council and Somerset’s SEND Local Offer websites have been merged to avoid the same information being in two separate places.
  • The SEND information is clearly and consistently designed, so you will quickly and easily be able to find it.
  • Its place within universal information helps provide context.

For example, we used to have the SEND part of Youth Offending sat in the Preparing for adult life section of the Local Offer due to the age group it was relevant for. But this did not fit well as a topic (we are not encouraging young people to prepare to start offending!). So now it sits in the council’s Youth Offending section. People can now see what support is available to prevent youth offending and at a glance in the purple box see how this provision is adapted for young people with SEND.

Last updated: July 18, 2024

Next review due: January 18, 2025

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