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Understanding your rights and our duties across our local offer of services

Your rights and our duties

Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities affect many aspects of a families life. There are lots of pieces of legislation and guidance that shape the way we work, and they all interact.

The golden thread running throughout these is that:

  • Anyone who works with children and young people (aged 0-18) and those with SEND (aged 0-25) should know about the local area’s SEND system and their role and responsibilities within them. SEND is everyone’s business.
  • A  joined up approach should be used to improve the outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
  • The child, young person or their parent carer should be at the centre of decisions about them and take into account the aspirations for adulthood.
  • Information, advice and support should be readily available on all services that support SEND, and they should be accessible.
  • Children, young people and their families should be encouraged to engage and participate in decisions that shape services.
  • The local authority and the ICB should be reviewing the services provided to drive improvements.

Find out more about each law or regulation below:

Last updated: February 12, 2025

Next review due: August 12, 2025

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