We want our Local Offer to give clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information about the available provision and how to access it. The process for refreshing, uploading and removing content on the Somerset Local Offer website is explained in detail in the SEND Local Offer Editorial Policy and Process. This has been co-produced with the Somerset Parent Carer Forum and SEND Participation and Engagement Team to make sure it reflects and embeds the needs of service users.
Who is involved
- The Weekly Local Offer Update Group reviews and actions simple or operational updates. It involves a Somerset Parent Carer Forum (SPCF) representative.
- The Local Offer Steering Group quality assures and co-produces the Local Offer, reflecting the views of its users and promoting shared ownership. It reviews content audits, identifies gaps and requests new content – overseeing substantial strategic changes. It reports to the SEND Partnership Board and involves a parent carer representative and Young Person’s Champion.
- The SEND Partnership Board meets monthly to develop and monitor the strategy for SEND services in Somerset. For the Local Offer, the SEND Partnership Board’s role is to challenge service areas and actively promote the Local Offer.
What is reviewed
To make sure consistent quality across the website, audits take place:
- Content – an audit of website content quality is completed yearly by SPCF and the editorial process is followed to make the needed improvements.
- Schools – an audit of the school’s websites is completed twice yearly by the SPCF with an Action Plan established to address audit findings.
- Accessibility – website accessibility is tested and monitored regularly by the Somerset Council Digital Service.
How you can include your feedback
Is this page useful? link at the bottom of every page lets anyone tell us anonymously about problems with information on a page or a problem with the website. Have you found anything that is not clear, not up to date or correct, or not working? Let us know how it could be improved.
You can see a summary of key messages and our actions from general website feedback on the Local Offer Feedback page.
Our Local Offer Annual Report also summarises statistics on usage, key messages from feedback, and our actions and plans for the next year.
If your feedback is about how we could improve a service rather than a page, you can do so in many ways, read more on the Ways to get involved pages.
How you can update your pages
Updating SEND Provider Records
Providers wanting to add or update their SEND service or provider records will need to complete a database update form selecting ‘SEND Provider’ as the type. This form link can also be found at the bottom of your SEND service page where it says ‘Update Record’.
Updating School/College Records
Schools and colleges wanting to add or update their provider records will need to complete a database update form selecting ‘School/College’ as the type. This form link can also be found at the bottom of your school page where it says ‘Update Record’.
Updating Event Pages
Partners and providers can add an event to the SEND Events Calendar by using this form.
After you submit a form it will be checked by Digital Service to ensure people will have access to all the information they need before publishing. The event will automatically disappear from the list when it expires.