You can use The Learning Centre (TLC) can be accessed once you have created an account by sharing your email address with the Kinship Duty team and shown that you need access to training.
There is a range of training available – from e-learning modules to face-to-face training, covering areas such as child exploitation, attachment and behaviour.
Useful links
Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma (COECT)
Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma podcasts
Beacon House – A useful website full of resources and training opportunities. Beacon House is a specialist, innovative and creative therapeutic service for young people, families and adults. With a special interest in working with individuals of all ages who have experienced trauma and loss, they are passionate about offering safe and effective therapies in a way that enables people to re-build their lives following stress and adversity.
Beacon House Parent/Carer Seminar – How to support your dysregulated child (4 hours)
National Association of Therapeutic Parents (NATP) – Supporting families and professionals who are working with, or caring for neuro-diverse children, children who have experienced adverse childhood experiences in their lives, or children living with Developmental Trauma.
If you are struggling with family life, please get in touch to see how they can help or to arrange a free 20-minute consultation. Or, visit their blog for more information, advice and support.
Family Rights Group (FRG) – The Family Rights Group offers legal advice and guidance to parents and families dealing with children’s social care services, including a free helpline.
Printable resources for children and young people
Additional useful links for children
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
Childline – 0800 1111 Online, on the phone anytime.
YoungMinds – Mental Health Support For Young People. From practical advice to finding you support.
Somerset Big Tent – Empowering children and young people to find the right wellbeing support at the right time.
Mind in Somerset – Mind in Somerset’s Young Person Service recognise that it isn’t always easy to talk about our emotional and mental wellbeing. Fear about what others may say, being laughed at or judged can often stop us, making us feel alone.
Somerset Phoenix Project – The Somerset Phoenix Project is here to help children and young people who have been sexually abused. They also help the families of young people and the professionals working with them. The service is for young people living in Somerset.
Somerset Drug & Alcohol Service – SDAS Young Peoples Service supports all young people across Somerset who are experiencing difficulties with their substance use. They are a team of specialist workers with experience and understanding of issues affecting young people. They offer confidential, non-judgement advice, information and support in a flexible manner. They arrange appointments wherever our clients feel most comfortable and are happy to work around their needs and goals. If you need to speak with a member of their team, please phone 0300 303 87 88. They are available 24/7 for enquiries. Email