Jargon buster
Social workers, like lots of other professionals, have lots of words or abbreviations to explain what is happening, types of meetings and other teams.
Sometimes we forget that the children and families we work with might not know what these are, and they can feel very confused when we talk or when they read reports. It is okay to say that you don’t know what something means, and the social worker should always try to make sure they have explained unusual words to you. But just in case … we have put together a jargon buster for you.
Jargon | Description |
JargonCore offer | DescriptionThis is the service that the Kinship team is offering – in other words, what we will do for you. |
JargonPR | DescriptionParental Responsibility. This means the legal rights, responsibility, and duty that a parent or carer has for a child. |
JargonEligible | DescriptionHaving the right to do or receive something based on certain conditions. |
JargonFamily Time | DescriptionThe time spent with parents, siblings, or wider family when a child is unable to live with their parents. |
JargonCLA | DescriptionChild Looked After. This means that the child is in the care of the local authority and is unable to live at home. |
JargonPupil Premium Plus | DescriptionThis is additional funding that is provided to schools for children who are looked after. |
JargonCAO | DescriptionChild Arrangement Order. This is a legal order that is made to formalise childcare agreements, such as who you live with and how much time you spend with parents. |
JargonASF | Descriptiontherapeutic support = Adoption support fund provides local authorities with funds to pay for essential services for eligible adopted and special guardian families. Therapeutic support means the services such as counselling that are used to help a child to explore their feelings and feel safe. |
JargonTherapeutic parenting | DescriptionThis is when a parent or carer is able to recognise that a child’s behaviour is how they are trying to communicate. The parent or carer is then able to help the child to feel safe and able to control their emotions. |
JargonCoram BAAF | DescriptionThis is an organisation for professionals dedicated to improving outcomes for children. They offer training, books, research, and advice to professionals. |
JargonHousing Support | DescriptionWe can offer support by writing to your housing provider on your behalf and advocating for you. |
JargonAdvocate | DescriptionA person who can support you and speak on your behalf. |
JargonFGC | DescriptionFamily Group Conference. This is a meeting with extended family and friends and a professional working with your family. They are to help with making decisions and plans about caring for and supporting children and young people. |
JargonEHWT | DescriptionEmotional Health and Wellbeing Team. |
JargonLifestory work | DescriptionTelling the story of a child’s life history to help the child understand the past. |
JargonAssessment | DescriptionBased on the discussions with the families that we work with, this is a report that brings together evidence for the decisions that are made. |