Free childcare for Special Guardians
- 2-year-olds – If your child is 2 years old and has left care under a Special Guardianship Order, they are entitled to 15 hours of free childcare each week.
- 3-year-olds and older – Children aged 3 and above qualify for 15 hours of free childcare during term time – which amounts to 38 weeks a year. Depending on your income, some parents may qualify for 30 hours of free childcare. Find out more.
School access priority
Schools prioritise children subject to Special Guardianship Orders on leaving care, allowing you to choose the school that best suits your child’s needs. Learn more about school admissions criteria.
Virtual School Support
The Virtual School team provides advice and information to support children who were previously looked after but now have a Special Guardianship Order. They can advocate for you and your child around education challenges.
Contact them at
Special Educational Needs Assessment
If you suspect your child has special educational needs, Somerset Council can assess these needs.
Local Offer for Special Guardians
As a Special Guardian of a child with additional needs, Somerset’s Local Offer welcomes you to find support groups, activities, and information for your family. Explore Somerset’s Local Offer.