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Our school transport strategy and policy are guided by national government policies



We provide transport to primary and secondary schools and some services, and support to help older students get to college and further education. We decide on school transport strategy and policy guided by national government policies.

Our aim is to

  • help and encourage more children to travel to school more sustainably
  • help keep children healthy
  • minimise congestion on the roads

We also commission and provide school transport services. When a child is awarded a place at a new school, our School Admissions Team will assess whether that child is entitled to free school transport.

You can find out more about school transport, including the criteria for free school transport, and make an application on our School transport page. You can also use these pages to report any problems you are experiencing with school transport, including bad behaviour or bullying on school buses.

Last updated: July 29, 2024

Next review due: January 29, 2025

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