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Somerset Traveller education service

Traveller Education Liaison Officers - support for Gypsy, Romany and Traveller children, their families and education providers

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Traveller Education Liaison Officers - support for Gypsy, Romany and Traveller children, their families and education providers

IntroductionSupport for schoolsPolicyContact the team


Our small team of Traveller Education Liaison Officers provides support and advice to all Gypsy, Romany and Traveller children, their families and local education providers.

As part of the Education Safeguarding Service, our support is designed to make sure all children have access to education and that any barriers to learning are identified and removed. We are also able to help children and families identify and engage with support, where it is needed.

We support Traveller children from Gypsy, Irish Traveller, Romany, New Traveller and Fairground families, whether they live in houses, authorised Traveller sites, unauthorised sites or temporary fairground and circus locations.

Support for schools

Schools can use this form to request support from a Traveller Education Liaison Officer about Traveller children’s attendance and engagement in learning.

The form is 4 pages long and should take around 8 minutes to complete. You will need the following information:

  • the child’s contact details
  • the parent’s contact details
  • a copy of the child’s Early Help Assessment, if applicable
  • an up-to-date Registration Certificate, if available.


You can find out more by downloading our Policy for Traveller Communities document.

Contact the team


We accept direct referrals from families needing support.

Last updated: September 4, 2023

Next review due: March 4, 2024

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