Schools are entitled to impose fixed period exclusions. This is where the headteacher, in line with the statutory procedures, sends a pupil home from their school following a serious breach of the school’s behaviour or discipline policies. The school can give you these documents.
For pupils with challenging behaviour, schools can refer to their Multi-Professional Support Team for advice.
Pupils cannot be removed from the school roll unless they have been permanently excluded or you have removed your child and provided written confirmation. It is unwise to remove your child from one school before another school placement has been secured. If you need more support, you should refer your case to an Educational Social Worker.
Unless the pupil has been formally excluded you have the right to send your child to school. The exclusion must be confirmed in writing by the school. If you have not received a letter then you should refer back to the school for confirmation.
There may be exceptional circumstances in which headteachers need to remove pupils from a school site when exclusion would be illegal.
A headteacher can
- authorise leave of absence for a fixed period, with the parents’ agreement
- or, arrange for the pupil to be educated elsewhere – without parental consent if deemed necessary, although the parent should be notified – by exercising powers delegated by the governing body under Section 29 (3) of the Education Act 2002
However, such education elsewhere must be arranged for the purpose of receiving any instruction or training included in the secular curriculum of the school. Whether the pupil has been granted leave of absence or is being educated elsewhere, the school must make sure that the pupil’s full time education continues while they are off site. Any such arrangements do not amount to a formal exclusion from school and should be kept under periodic review.
You are responsible for arranging transport to and from school for your child. If you do not wish your child to move from a school you should attempt further discussions with the school.
If your child is excluded, you will be contacted by an Access Casework Officer (ACO) who will
- explain the permanent exclusion process
- tell you what happens next
- explain the right to appeal
- answer any questions you have
The permanent exclusion letter sent by schools says you will be contacted by the ACO, however, there can sometimes be a delay between parents being informed of the permanent exclusion by phone and receiving the letter.
Pastoral Support Plan
If your child is at risk of permanent exclusion there should be a Pastoral Support Plan (PSP) in place, which you should have been involved with from the time it is drawn up.
A PSP will
- identify your child’s needs
- state the agreed strategies to be used by the school, you and any other agency involved
- include possible sanctions to be applied
If you do not know if there is a PSP in place and the school has referred to the possibility of permanent exclusion, we advise you to contact the school to check. Permanent exclusion from school should be used as a last resort or for a serious incident. It is important for you to work with the school to resolve the issues that have been raised.
SEND information - part of our Local Offer
Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support (SENDIAS)
Helen and Emily from SENDIAS talk about understanding school exclusions and the processes as part of the Local Offer Live week. Myths are broken and Top Tips given to help parents engage with school to resolve issues.
SENDIAS- provides impartial, free and confidential information, advice and support about special educational needs and disabilities in school
- help you to resolve any disagreements between you and the school
You can find out more in having your voice heard.