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Food support for families in Somerset

Support is available for families who may be struggling to find food

About food support for families


Happy Healthy Holidays places are now available for children across Somerset aged 5 to 16-years-old who are eligible for benefit-related free school meals. This year’s summer programme is jam-packed with fun activities including sports, crafts, music, theatre, games and more.

To book a summer activity, parents need to have received a unique booking code from their child’s school or referrer. Parents will not be able to make a booking without this code. You will also need to set up a Playwaze account if you haven’t booked an activity before.

Please contact SASP’s helpline on 01823 653992 (open Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm) or email for any support.

We want to make sure no child or adult in Somerset goes hungry. Our aim is to meet the immediate need for food, and work with families to address their needs.


If a child is hungry there are usually other issues we would want to help with. For example

  • finances
  • housing
  • mental health and wellbeing
  • employment
  • skills

We are working with Foodbanks, FareShare, HIS Church, Village Agents and many voluntary and community groups across Somerset to provide food items and frozen meals for immediate use. We are also supporting the development of new community pantries and larders to help communities have longer term sustainable solutions in place.

Support available

We have food available for any family in need. Any family in need of urgent food supplies should contact 0300 123 2224.

Village Agents
When you contact us, you will also be supported by Village Agents. They have access to food donated by the community, frozen meals we have bought and some funds to give emergency support if needed. Village Agents can also help families access online shopping slots if they are finding it difficult to get to the shops.

End Child Food Poverty
The End Child Food Poverty website provides meal support to families. It also gives opportunities for businesses and groups to offer free food.

NHS Healthy Start Scheme – If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4-years-old, you may be able to get help to buy healthy food and milk.

How to offer support and donations

If you would like to make a financial donation please contact the Community Council for Somerset who will make sure that the money is used on direct food support for families. The money will be used to buy fresh local produce.

Last updated: March 13, 2025

Next review due: September 13, 2025

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