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Includes term and holiday dates, exclusions and school activities
Details of schools which have let us know about closures or restricted opening hours
Help to progress with the NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) to EET (Engagement in education, employment and training) journey
The Public Sector Equality Duty within the Equality Act 2010 is made up of two elements the General and Specific duties
Visit Jobs in Somerset for teaching and support staff vacancies in Somerset
Term dates and holidays for community and voluntary controlled schools
We check for any child missing from education, including home visits and school attendance sweeps
If your child doesn't live with you, you can apply to see their school record
Training and development days for school staff and the rules about taking children out of school in term-time
For pupils experiencing difficulty accessing education as a result of their mental or physical health, permanent exclusion or special educational needs
Information about things that can help you when you're in school
Advice and guidance about educating your child at home
When a headteacher sends a student home from school, usually because of their behaviour
School nurses are public health nurses who work with 5 to 19 year-olds, including children educated in school and those who are educated at home
Find out if your child qualifies for free school meals
A new initiative working with schools and families, to improve long-term outcomes for children and young people at risk of exploitation
Services for students including music therapy and instrument hire
Traveller Education Liaison Officers - support for Gypsy, Romany and Traveller children, their families and education providers
Pupils learning English as an additional language and children from minority ethnic groups
Each school decides its own uniform policy
Reporting, recording and monitoring incidents of bullying, harassment and discrimination
Support is available for families who may be struggling to find food
Information about funding, data, provision, governors and Somerset Schools Forum
What we do with your personal data
A statutory body brought together to produce an agreed syllabus for religious education
Public consultation on spending money in a smarter way in education to address growing challenges
A consultative and decision-making body on issues related to schools funding
Funding that helps pupils who need bespoke and significant physical changes to a mainstream school site
Offers advice, support and training to those volunteering and working in education governance