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School equality

Information and guidance for Somerset schools on the Public Sector Equality Duty

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School equality

Information and guidance for Somerset schools on the Public Sector Equality Duty


School equality data

Steps that schools need to take when using data and equality information

Using school data and other equality information

Schools publishing data

Guidance on what information you should publish to meet the general equality duty

Publishing sufficient information to show you have met the general equality duty

Attainment, progress and linked factors

  1. Is there any evidence to suggest that pupils from one or more of the ‘protected’ groups have lower than average attainment at the end of key stages?
  2.  Is there any evidence that pupils from one or more of the ‘protected’ groups are making slower progress than they should? (NB for some groups, such as older English as an additional language (EAL) learners, very rapid progress should be possible as they build on existing learning acquired in their first language)
  3. What factors may be contributing to any issues identified? Is there other relevant data or evidence, for example Gifted and Talented registers, attendance, behaviour, exclusions? Is there any possibility that the school can address issues?

Accessibility considerations

  1. Have we used the pupil census process to collect information about hidden disabilities?
  2. Are there any physical access issues for the school? Do you have an Accessibility Audit for your School?
  3.  Are there any classroom curriculum access issues? (For example linked to disability, English as an additional language)
  4.  What factors may be contributing to any issues identified? Is there any possibility that the school can address issues?


  1. Is there any evidence of poorer participation of some groups in lunchtime, after school or other extra-curricular activities?
  2. What factors may be contributing to any issues identified? Is there any possibility that the school can address issues?

Social relations and behaviour

  1. Is there any evidence of prejudice or of racial, homophobic, disability-related or sexist language or incidents taking place in school? (These might be cases of bullying, but might also just be uses of language not directed at a particular victim, or indications of prejudiced attitudes towards certain groups)
  2. Are there any groups of pupils who tend to be isolated?
  3. Do you have any relevant evidence from parents or carers or other sources about attitudes in school or the local community?
  4. What factors may be contributing to any issues identified? Is there any possibility that the school can address issues?

Representation and decision-making

  1. Are all protected groups represented on the pupil council?
  2. Are all protected groups represented on the governing body?
  3. Does the school’s staff have representation from protected groups to reflect Somerset’s population as a whole?
  4. Is lack of representation of some groups a concern? What factors may be contributing to any issues identified? Is there any possibility that the school can address issues?

Discrimination, harassment or victimisation

  1. Have there been any allegations of discrimination, harassment or victimisation? Are there any issues for the school arising from these?
  2. What factors may be contributing to any issues identified? Is there any possibility that the school can address issues?


  1. Are there any staff training needs, in any section of the school’s staff relating to equality or diversity?
  2. What needs have been identified and how could they best be met?

Last updated: August 6, 2024

Next review due: February 6, 2025

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