

Our advice line is for professionals who help children.

This includes Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators ( SENCO ), school professionals and other professionals in a care setting.

If you are a parent, please use the information you can find in the Local Offer section of our website.  It includes information you may need about local support, as a parent of children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities ( SEND ).

Professionals who support children

As a professional involved with the care of a child, before you contact us, take a moment to consider whether you are the most appropriate person to use the Inclusion Advice Line.

If your query is about a specific child, check that you have to hand all the relevant information about them.

You can either contact the Inclusion Advice Line by calling 0300 123 2224 from 9am to 5pm, or by completing this online form at any time:

This form has 6 pages and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

What happens when you phone our advice line

To contact us, please use our online form above. If you choose to phone us, you can do so on 0300 123 2224. You will be asked a series of questions by our advisors. Please allow time for this and provide as much information as possible, so we can support you in the best way.

If you are calling about a specific child or young person, please ensure you have to hand their name, date of birth, and all relevant information. You will be asked to provide brief details about the current situation and what action has already been taken. In particular regarding the Somerset Graduated Response Tool and any involvements or advice from external professionals.

We aim to provide the support and guidance you need at the time you call. For more complex queries and concerns, we may forward your query to our Specialist Advisor or our Inclusion Advisory Teachers for a call back, where a more in-depth discussion can happen and a plan agreed for the next steps.

Last reviewed: July 24, 2024 by Daniel

Next review due: January 24, 2025

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