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The Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way about whatever is getting to you. They help you explore your options…
Address: 16 Wood Street, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1UN
More about Samaritans of Taunton and SomersetThe Somerset Counselling Centre Young People‚Äôs Service has been set up to offer an affordable counselling service to young people. A counsellor¬†will listen to your concerns and help you to…
Address: Tower Street, Taunton TA1 4BH
More about Somerset Counselling CentreHaving an eating disorder, or supporting someone who has, can be a distressing and bewildering experience. SWEDA offers a range of services throughout Somerset and the surrounding area. SWEDA services…
Address: The Coach House, Harvest Court, Park Road, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5BS
More about SWEDAAll Bipolar UK services are designed to support both people directly affected by mental health issues and their carers and families too. Whilst the charity was formed to deliver support…
Wessex Counselling offers help at difficult times of your life. This might involve loss and grief, relationship troubles or problems at work. There are also times when the cause is…
Address: Fairfield House, King Street, Frome BA11 1BH
More about Wessex Counselling and PsychotherapySpecialist therapeutic support for children, adolescents and familiesBarnardo’s have a team of qualified and experienced creative arts and play therapists dedicated to providing meaningful support for children who have experienced…
PAPYRUS are the national charity for the prevention of young suicide. They deliver awareness and prevention training, provide confidential support and suicide intervention through HOPELineUK, campaign and influence national policy,…
Address: Lineva House, 28-32 Milner Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA5 1AD
More about PAPYRUS – prevention of young suicideCruse Bereavement Care is the leading national charity for bereaved people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. They offer support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when…
Address: Central Office Address: Cruse Bereavement Care, PO Box 800, Richmond, TW9 1RG
More about Young Cruse – Children and Young People Bereavement CareThe aim of The Autism and Communication Service is now part of the offer in the Access to Inclusion Team
REACH offers a variety of professional services to schools and services in the South West. The youth work staff they provide offer support, interventions and general services to students and…
Address: Office Address: REACH Youth (SW) Ltd, PO Box 37 Martock, Somerset TA12 6WN
More about REACH – Alternative Education ProvisionWorking alongside professionals and supporting children, young people and families affected by sexual abuse. Somerset Phoenix Project is a specialist service supporting the development of professionals in Somerset. Somerset Phoenix…
Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership is one of 44 County Sports Partnership across England and their main aim is to increase participation in sport and active recreation in Somerset. SASP…
Address: Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership, Castle Road, Chelston Business Park, Wellington, Somerset, TA21 9JQ
More about Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP)Children and Young People’s Therapy Service – CYPTS Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech and Language Therapy for children and young people aged up to 19 years. Our therapy service for…
The Children’s Autism Outreach Team (CAOT) is part of Children and Young People’s specialist service SEND & Inclusion support Somerset. Children’s Autism Outreach Team (CAOT) work with parents and carers…
Address: Cross County Service
More about Children’s Autism Outreach Team (CAOT)Enham Trust is a disability charity run by trustees, advisory groups and a team of executives that works with over 8,500 individuals each year, helping them have increased independence and…
Address: Enham Trust Head Office, Enham Place, Enham Alamein, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 6JS
More about Enham TrustExtra Help to Travel cards give people with a disability a way of letting a driver know that they may need additional help. You do not need to use the…
Community Transport Schemes can offer individual transport and group hire. Some also offer door-to-door services. Community Transport services are provided by a number of independent, non-profit making groups companies and…
An initiative called Project SEARCH is a one-year programme which aims to give young people with Learning Disabilities the skills to get competitive paid employment. The Project SEARCH programme was…
Kooth is a free, interactive website for children and young people, accessible on all devices. It is a safe, confidential online mental health service where young people and adults can…
The Health and Social Care Act of 2012 put people at the centre of their health and social care. To help realise that ambition, a Healthwatch organisation was set up…
Address: Woodlands House, Woodlands Business Park, Bristol Road, Bridgwater TA6 4FJ
More about Healthwatch Somerset