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Early Years Entitlement Expansion and Wraparound Care

Information and resources for providers to support implementation


In the Spring Budget of 2023, the Chancellor announced a package of childcare reforms designed to enable more parents to work. This included an extension of funded early years childcare hours to children of eligible working parents from the funding period after they turn 9-months-old. The budget also included the ambition that by 2026, all parents and carers of primary school-aged children who need it, will be able to access term time childcare in their local area from 8am to 6pm.

Somerset Council has a statutory duty to ensure there are high quality, sufficient and sustainable childcare places to enable parents and carers to work.

Early Years entitlement expansion

The expansion of the Early Years Entitlement will offer up to 30 funded hours of childcare per week over 38 weeks of the year for eligible children from the funding period after they turn 9-months-old.

The expansion will be rolled out in phases as follows:

  • from April 2024 – 15 hours a week offered to eligible children aged 2 years old
  • from September 2024 – 15 hours a week offered to eligible children aged from 9 months old
  • From September 2025 – the offer will be increased to 30 hours a week for eligible children

Early years providers interested in expanding their provision for children aged 2-years- old and under can apply for grant funding to support the expansion.

To apply for a capital grant, find out more about the application process or criteria for both capital and small revenue grants, please contact A limited number of small revenue grants are available.

Early Years Expansion Lead Contact
Julia Balmford
Senior Officer Education and Childcare Places
Phone 01823 355828

Wraparound Care

In March 2023, the Government announced through their Spring Budget the ambition that by 2026, all parents and carers of primary school-aged children who need it will be able to access term time childcare in their local area from 8am until 6pm. Through this expansion of before and after school provision, more parents can access employment and therefore improve labour market participation.

The term ‘wraparound childcare’ refers to provision directly before and after the school day, during school term time for primary school age children. The provision can be offered by schools, or private, voluntary, and independent providers. This includes childminders and early years settings. The provision could be run on a school site or at another setting in the area.

To deliver this expansion, Somerset Council has been awarded funding in the form of a revenue and capital grant.  Interested parties are able to apply for grant funding for associated start up costs, to purchase resources and to plug gaps in income whilst demand grows. Grant funding will also be used to deliver training sessions regarding setting up and running wraparound provision.

Grant funding is available to both completely new wraparound provision, and existing provision that wishes to expand. As well as school settings, applications from private, voluntary or independent providers are also welcomed.

To apply for wraparound grant funding or to find out more about the criteria and application process please contact

Wraparound Lead Contact
Rose Stokes
Senior Officer Education and Childcare Places
Phone 01278 435578

Last updated: January 21, 2025

Next review due: July 21, 2025

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