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Disability Access Fund

Money that is available to a nominated childcare provider once a year

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Money that is available to a nominated childcare provider once a year



Disability Access Fund is money that is available to a nominated childcare provider once a year.

3-and 4-year-old children who meet these criteria are eligible if:

  • The child is in receipt of a Disability Living Allowance
  • The child receives the Early Years Entitlement at a childcare provider in Somerset

From April 2024, 2-year-old children will be eligible as long as they meet the above criteria. From September 2024, the age that children are eligible will change to the funding period after a child turns 9 months.

We recommend that you read the rest of the eligibility information on this page before you apply.

Children become eligible for the Early Years Entitlement in the funding period after their third birthday. There is more information about this on our Early Years Entitlement page.

This form has 4 pages and will take about 5 minutes to complete


Before you start

You will need to know

  • The name of the childcare provider
  • The date of birth of the child or children you are applying for
  • Proof of disability allowance (this is not required but recommended)

Attach the letter from the Department for Work and Pensions which proves the award of Disability Living Allowance.

If you are unable to attach the proof, you can post it to the Entitlements Team, County Hall, Taunton, TA1 4DY, including details of the name of the applicant with the proof. Disability Access Fund will not be awarded until the Disability Living Allowance proof is received.


Children do not need to take up all of their Entitlement hours to be able to access the Disability Access Fund, and it is up to the childcare provider how the Disability Access Fund is spent. It cannot be used to pay for additional hours. Parents/carers need to discuss with the childcare provider how they wish the funding to be used to meet their child’s needs.

4 year olds in a maintained, academy or free school reception class are not eligible for the Disability Access Fund.

Funding is paid at £828 per year and is paid to one childcare provider nominated by the parent, from April 2024, this will increase to £910 per year.

Funding is not available to any childcare provider who is not claiming any Early Years Entitlement for the child.

Once funding for the year is paid, it will not be reclaimed even if the child leaves the setting. The new setting will not be able to receive any Disability Access Fund payment until the following year.

Last updated: January 24, 2025

Next review due: July 24, 2025

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