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Complain about an Early Years or childcare provider

All early years settings (including childminders) must have a complaints procedure

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All early years settings (including childminders) must have a complaints procedure

Complaints and concerns

Complaints and concerns


If you need to complain about an early years setting or childcare provider, you should first approach them directly. All early years settings (including childminders) must have a complaints procedure and they should investigate your concern and tell you about any action they have taken to improve. Do not delay, tell your provider straight away and explain clearly what you hope to achieve as a result of your complaint.

Most complaints and concerns can be resolved through discussion with the person in charge, but if you cannot satisfactorily resolve the issue you can make a formal complaint in writing to them and Ofsted.

Ofsted are responsible for regulating early years and childcare providers, and they will check to make sure that the registered person is complying with the conditions of their registration. If you are concerned about the care of your child and you have been unable to resolve the matter directly with your childcare provider, or if you have safeguarding concerns, please contact The Office for Standards in Education – Ofsted – Children’s Services and Skills who inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people on 0300 123 4666 or through their website.

Ofsted has produced some guidance for parents and carers using childcare services.

Last updated: August 27, 2024

Next review due: February 27, 2025

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