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Includes entitlements, the support available and the latest childcare news
Help to find the right childcare
English as an Additional Language, racial incidents and Special Educational Needs
Find the right funding and help towards childcare costs for your family
Information to help parents and families access Early Years services
Includes Foundation Stage and recommended resources and training
Includes information about Early Years Communities, the Early Years Partnership and key contact information
Families with 2-year-old children who meet the criteria can apply for childcare funding
Eligible working parents can get up to 30 hours of free childcare per week for children aged 2-4 years, and from September 2024, children from 9 months old, starting the next funding period after they reach these ages.
Early help is all about providing help to families who find that they’re struggling
Information that can help you in supporting your child’s development at home.
Extended schools and out of school clubs supporting parents to balance work and family commitments
All 3- and 4-year-olds are entitled to up to 15 hours of funded early education or childcare a week
Information on the criteria and how to apply for the pupil premium
Training opportunities through workshops for providers across a range of topics
Links to useful resources and information that can help you in supporting all children
Useful links to different websites we work closely with to bring Early Years providers up to date and helpful information
The new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is mandatory for all early years providers
We have developed 11 Early Years Communities across the county to support practitioners who deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage
Helpful contact information for our key partners, including Somerset’s Area SENCos, Children’s Social Care Team and the Entitlements Team
Helpful local authority contact information for providers working in Early Years.
A consultative group discussing strategic issues and financial matters relating to Early Years
Includes information about Early Years Entitlement, Pupil Premium, funded hours and the Disability Access Fund
All early years settings (including childminders) must have a complaints procedure
Childcare Sufficiency looks at the supply and demand of childcare in Somerset
Community Inclusion and Activity Team support to deliver inclusive activities across Somerset
Advice and suggestions to help you start up your own childcare business, including Childminders, Nurseries, Pre-schools, Holiday Clubs and After School Care
Includes information on how to advertise or apply for an Early Years job vacancy
All 3 and 4 years olds are entitled to 15 hours of free early years entitlement, or nursery funding, a week
Information on the pupil premium and qualifying criteria
Families with 2-year-old children can apply for funding
Money that is available to a nominated childcare provider once a year
Eligible working parents can get up to 30 hours of free childcare per week for children aged 2-4 years, and from September 2024, children from 9 months old, starting the next funding period after they reach these ages
Information and resources for providers to support implementation
How you can start a career as a Childminder, and what are the benefits