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What we do

Somerset Drug and Alcohol Service Young Person’s Team supports young people across Somerset who want to make changes to their drug or alcohol use.

Whether you are a young person who is beginning to experiment and would like some support, advice, information and guidance, or a young person whose drug or alcohol use has increased, causing you problems – we will support you to make the changes you want to make.

We work with young people who want to make changes to their substance use. We take referrals up to the age of 18, or 25 if you are a care leaver or you have special educational needs (SEN).

Central to everything we do is that we are young person-centred. This means that the support we provide is led by the needs of young people and change is not imposed on you.

We provide support, education and personal resources to enable young people to make sustained and lasting changes.


Our service is confidential.

What we offer

We offer full assessment and treatment for substance misuse problems.

This includes

  • one-to-one, young person-centred interventions promoting positive change
  • advice and information about drugs and alcohol
  • structured psychosocial sessions
  • we go into schools and alternative education settings to fulfil targeted group work and workshops
  • we have a service offering prescribing treatment to young people when needed, as part of their wider care plan
  • we offer a needle exchange service and harm reduction advice to young people around their drug and alcohol use

Hidden Harm

We offer one-to-one support to young people between the ages of 7 and 18, who are struggling to deal with the impact of another person’s substance use.

This could be a parent, sibling or any significant person in their life.

She does love me, but she puts alcohol first. However badly I want to be number one to her, it’ll never happen while she is still drinking.

(Young person, aged 16 )

Sometimes they are parents, but then sometimes when they need to do what they have to do, they are not there…they smell different and sound different afterwards; I’m glad I have my Gran there.

(Young person, aged 14)

Admit Project

Admit is a brief intervention and engagement programme for young people who go to Accident and Emergency (A and E) with alcohol, drugs or violence related illness or injury. We do the following:

  • deliver harm reduction initiatives on youth violence and substance misuse
  • support young people to access treatment for alcohol and substance misuse
  • raise the profile of community services among A and E staff
  • offer carers support to the parents of the young person
  • link the young person to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) or other services when appropriate

If you are in A and E on a Friday or Saturday night and want to talk – ask to speak to one of our youth workers.

P2i Innovation Project

Somerset Drug and Alcohol Service youth workers are linked to each of the P2i supporting housing projects across Somerset.

We work with young people to build resilience and give health and wellbeing advice so that they can stay where they want to be. We help to reduce the potential risks that continually moving young people around can create, including vulnerability to exploitation, specifically by groups like county lines gangs.

Our youth workers work collaboratively with P2i staff, to develop robust and effective care plans for the young people in their accommodation.

We have drop-in slots and regular group work programs.

Family Support Team - our Family and Carers Service

We support individuals affected by a loved one’s substance misuse.

Different substances have different effects on the individual using them. But the effects of drug and alcohol misuse on the family go well beyond the direct effects on the user. Living with a loved one who misuses drugs or alcohol has a huge impact on the whole family.

We offer

  • 5 steps online and a face-to-face group work program to help family members manage the impact that their loved one’s substance use has on them and their family
  • one-to-one phone and face-to-face support
  • peer support groups – both virtual and face-to-face options – so that family members feel less isolated, have an opportunity to share their experiences with others who may be going through similar things and have an opportunity to share and learn from others in a safe and confidential environment

We know that support for families can reduce and mitigate these effects, and improve wellbeing so families can get back a sense of control over their lives.

We offer a flexible, non-judgmental, confidential, and accessible service. You can refer yourself, or family members, and concerned others and professionals can refer you to us.

Family Safeguarding Team - a new way of supporting parents

Our family safeguarding team:

  • have a team of dedicated parental substance misuse workers who are embedded with children’s social care safeguarding teams across Somerset
  • are part of a multi-disciplinary safeguarding team, which includes domestic violence workers, mental health workers and social workers
  • work primarily with parents who misuse substances
  • provide holistic one-to-one support
  • have assertive outreach capability with connections and support from the wider Somerset Drug and Alcohol Service

The Family Safeguarding team supports parents with substance misuse problems, to make the changes that are needed, both for themselves and their children, so that they can stay together and thrive as a family.

Somerset Children’s Social Care has introduced the Family Safeguarding Model and, by supporting this new way of working, we can play a part in changing attitudes and supporting families in a more holistic, joined-up way.

How to contact the service

Contact – Dawn Holmes – Young Person and Family Service manager

Last updated: July 30, 2024

Next review due: January 30, 2025

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