Find out about local schools before you apply

In Somerset, you can choose up to 3 preferences in ranked order. Please visit the Find a school page to find schools in your local area.

The best way to find out more about schools is to visit them. Contact the school directly for more information. You can also:

  • visit the school website
  • attend the open day or evenings
  • look at the school’s performance tables
  • get a copy of the school’s most recent OFSTED (The Office for Standards in Education) inspection report on the OFSTED website

School catchment

Check the catchment area of the school you are interested in. If you live in Somerset, you can find out if your address is in the (catchment) area for a Somerset school by visiting our School catchment page.

Applying for a school outside Somerset

Applications must be made to your home local authority regardless of where the school is situated. If you live in Somerset, please apply online and choose your preferred schools by 15 January 2025.

Please note that the published admission arrangements for another county may be different from those in Somerset. You must make sure that you fully understand the published admission arrangements and over-subscription criteria that apply to the school concerned before you make your application and to find out if you need to complete a SIF .

Bath and North East Somerset Council
Admissions and Transport Unit
Phone: 01225 394312

Devon Council
School Admissions Team
Phone: 0345 155 1019

North Somerset Council
Admissions Team.
Phone: 01275 884078 or 01275 884 014

Dorset Council
School Admissions Team
Phone: 01305 221060

Wiltshire Council
School Admissions Team
Phone: 01225 713010

All-through schools

An all-through school covers Reception through to the end of Year 11 – primary and secondary phases combined.

Parents who have children on roll at an all-through school do not need to make a separate secondary school application for the same school.

However, if your child is not currently on roll at an all-through school and you would like to apply for the second phase, you must make an application by the published deadline.

Last updated: March 3, 2025

Next review due: September 3, 2025

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