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The Children with Disability Service sits within Children’s Social Care. We support and safeguard children living in Somerset who have a disability, or are on the pathway for a diagnosis of autism, from birth until their 18th Birthday.

Professionals can complete an Early Help Assessment to be sent to Contact Centre which will be triaged and sent to the appropriate part of the service. Alternatively, families can self-refer through Contact Centre 0300 123 2224 to request an assessment from any part of our service.

Each of our teams are able to carry out an assessment of your child’s and family’s needs.  Depending on the information provided in the referral we will allocate your child to either our Early Help Service or our Social Work service. In either service the assessment will include a parent carer’s assessment to ensure that a holistic picture of your child’s and family’s needs is gained.

Depending on the needs identified at point of referral and within the subsequent assessment, the assessing worker will work with you to draw up a plan for your child to ensure they are accessing appropriate services for their individual needs. The team will ensure you are receiving ‘the right support, in the right place, at the right time’.

Our Vision

Early Help is everyone’s responsibility; we want children, families, communities and agencies to work together so that families are assisted to help themselves and are supported as soon as a need arises, thereby improving the overall wellbeing and quality of life of all Somerset children, young people and their families.

SEND information - part of our Local Offer

Early Support Offer

Our early support offer includes support from the following teams:

Our social work offer will include support from the early support services as well as services only available from Children’s Social Care

The team works closely with colleagues in the Health and Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Services, and the Inclusion Team within Education.

Our assessment process

The steps we take to make sure you have the right support in the right place at the right time include:

  • Assess: Identifying a child or young person as needing support, drawing on assessments and the individual development in comparison to their peers.
  • Plan: Appropriate support and intervention provided to meet the identified outcomes for the child or young person.
  • Do: Multi-agency practitioners are responsible for implementing the agreed plan.
  • Review: Regular review of the effectiveness of support and their impact on the child or young person’s progress.

To get to know your child and family better, our assessment process may include:

  • Meeting the child or young person at home and at their school or educational setting
  • Liaising with other professionals to ensure a joined up approach
  • Attending any meetings that are relevant to your child
  • Completing a parent carer’s assessment to identify additional caring responsibilities you may have

Your child’s early support plan or Child in Need plan, may include:

  • Signposting and/or referrals to other relevant services
  • Support and guidance
  • Direct work with your child or with your family
  • Advice and strategies to support you
  • Team around the Family (TAF) or Child in Need meetings
  • Support package to meet any identified needs


  • Contact Centre – 0300 1232224 (office hours)
  • Emergency Duty Team – 0300 1232327 (out of hours)
  • East Duty Number – 01935 463969 (office hours)
  • West Duty Number – 01823 357009 (office hours)

SEND information - part of our Local Offer

Make a short breaks payment

If you have received confirmation from the Community Inclusion and Activity Team, Children’s Autism Outreach Team or Somerset Supporters about an activity day booking with a reference number you can use the form below to complete your payment.

Make a payment

This form has 3 pages and will take approximately 2 to 3 minutes to complete.

Last updated: November 15, 2024

Next review due: May 15, 2025

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