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Children and young people’s development advice

Advice sheets for schools, parents and carers about children young people’s development


These advice sheets were first published in 2012 and both parents and professionals have found the information, advice and support invaluable in helping them to meet the needs of children and young people in development of their physical, occupational and communication skills. They were last updated in 2024.

They include information on the following areas:

  • Developmental milestones
  • Common and acceptable variations in typical development
  • Problems you may see and what to do
  • Service information

Visit the Early Years advice sheets page and the School age advice sheets page for more information. There is some overlap between the two, so please do look at both sections.

The advice sheets are part of the Children and Young People Therapy Service Fact Files. We are in the process of reviewing other advice sheets and will add these to these areas as they are completed.  If you have any feedback about the fact files we would welcome your comments and suggestions.  Please email

Last updated: March 3, 2025

Next review due: September 3, 2025

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