Refused a place at your preferred school

Advice if you have not been offered one or more of your preferences to start at a new school in September



This page contains important information if you have not been offered one or more of your preferences for your child to start at a new school in September 2025. These are your options, including if you have applied for a place at a school in another local authority area.

What to do if you want to accept the school place you have been offered

If you have been offered a school place in Somerset we will assume that you want this place unless you tell us otherwise in writing. You do not need to contact us to accept the place, and your child’s new school will contact you in due course.

If you have been offered a school in another local authority please contact that local authority directly to accept the place. Please do not contact Somerset Council to accept a place at a school in another local authority.

If you later decide you do not want this place, please email us because another child may need the place.

You can still appeal for a place at your preferred school if you accept the place you have been offered.

How to appeal

You have a legal right to appeal against the decision not to offer your child a place at one or more of your preferred schools. If you choose to appeal, admission authorities must make arrangements for an independent panel to hear your appeal. Whatever decision the panel takes, neither the admission authority nor the school can reverse it. You can make an appeal for a place at one or more schools, even if you decide to accept a place at another.

If you wish to appeal for a school in another local authority area please see the section below called – ‘Refusal of a school in another local authority’.

If you are appealing for an infant, first or primary school place, please first visit our  Appeals for a place to start school in September page to identify the type of appeal you will be making.

There are 2 types of appeal, ‘infant class size appeals’ and ‘standard appeals’. The page detailed above includes information on the type of appeal, by school, and information on the limitations of an Infant Class Size Appeal. It is very important that you identify which type of appeal you will be submitting.

If your child is due to start at any of the following and you wish to appeal your school admissions outcome, please submit your appeal form online.

  • Year 7 at a Secondary school in September
  • Reception at a Primary/First/Infant School in September
  • Year 3 at a Junior school in September
  • Year 5 at a Middle school in September
  • There is a leaflet which explains more about the appeals process, alongside an appeals timetable in the downloads section at the bottom of this page. It may also be helpful to visit our ‘Appeal a school admissions decision‘ page.

Please note: if the grounds for your appeal include bullying or other issues at a school, you should be aware that it is likely that the school will be asked to comment. This information will then be made available to the Appeal Panel at the hearing.

Please note: The School Admission Appeals Code requires that appellants set out their grounds for appeal in writing. For your appeal to be valid, you must include a reason for your appeal.

You will need to create an account before you can fill out the appeal form below.

Somerset Choice Advice Service
The Somerset Choice Advice Service is a free, impartial service to help families with school admissions and appeals. For more information please visit their website and see the leaflet in the downloads section.

Refusal of a school in another local authority

If you want to appeal for a place at a school in another local authority area, you need to contact the local authority concerned for the relevant form and return it to them by their deadline. If you have any questions about their process, please contact the local authority responsible for the school. You can find details of neighbouring authorities’ admissions teams under ‘School Admissions Teams in Somerset’s neighbouring local authorities’.

Applying for a different school

If you do not want the place you have been offered, you can apply for another school. You can apply online. If you make a late application for an alternative school with places, you will need to consider how you will get your child to school.

If you have been:

  1. Refused all of your preferences
  2. Offered a school that is not in your catchment area or nearest school which is over the statutory walking distance from your child’s home address (2 miles for children under 8, and three miles for children aged 8 and above.)
  3. Are not entitled to school travel assistance

Then you may wish to consider making a late application for your catchment and/or nearest school. This will provide your child with the opportunity to join the waiting list for September 2025.

Apply for a school admission

This form has 3 pages and will take approximately 3 to 4 minutes to complete.

For secondary admissions, we aim to send outcomes on 2 May 2025 for applications received by 21 March 2025.

For primary admissions we aim to send outcomes on 6 June 2025 for applications received by 2 May 2025. After these dates, applications will be processed in strict date order, based on when they were received.

For a list of Somerset schools that have places available, please visit the downloads section on this page.

To help you make your decision, we recommend that you visit any school you are interested in.

New applications for places will be considered in line with the admission arrangements published in the ‘Secondary Admissions Guide’ or ‘Primary Admissions Guide‘. If schools become over-subscribed, the published admissions criteria will be applied when allocating the remaining places.


We only offer one school place for each child. If you submit ‘new’ preferences and it becomes possible to offer a place at one of these schools, any place we have offered you previously will be withdrawn.

School Travel Assistance

Please see important information on entitlement to school travel assistance here: Apply for school travel assistance

Turning down the school place you have been offered

You may decide to turn down the place offered and make your own arrangements for your child’s education – for example, your child may have been offered a place at an independent school or you may decide that you want to educate your child at home.

If this is the case please email us at  

If you decide to educate your child at home, you can register your child for ‘Elective Home Education’.

Waiting lists

For every over-subscribed school, a ranked waiting list will be held until at least 31 December 2025, or longer depending on the admissions authority. Your child will stay on this list regardless of any new preference you may have submitted or any decision you have made to appeal for a place at another school. If a place becomes available within the published admission number, it will be offered to the highest-ranked child on the waiting list. The waiting list will take account of applications received either as part of initial on-time allocations or subsequent allocation rounds.

Please note: you must tell us about any change in circumstances so that your child is ranked in the correct place on the waiting list. It is your responsibility to let us know, in writing, if you move house.

If a place becomes available for your child and you accept it, your child will be removed from the waiting list of any lower-preference schools you were previously refused.

If you have been refused a place at a Voluntary Controlled or Community School and you wish for your child to remain on the waiting list after 31 December you must email by the beginning of the Spring Term to request this.

If you have been refused a place at a school within another local authority, please contact that local authority directly about waiting lists.

Allocation summary

Find a summary of how places were allocated at the schools where it has not been possible to offer your child a place.

School Admissions Teams in Somerset's neighbouring local authorities

Bath and North East Somerset
Phone 01225 394312

Phone 0845 1551019

North Somerset
Phone 01275 884078

Phone 01305 228509

Phone 01225 713010

Last updated: March 3, 2025

Next review due: September 3, 2025

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