
We have been awarded ‘Good with Oustanding features’ by Ofsted

Opening times

Wednesday 0815-1530

Monday 0815-1530
Tuesday 0815-1230
Wednesday 0815-1530
Thursday 0815-1200
Friday 0815-1530

Contact details

Telephone 01935 822022

Centre information

Accessibility and adjustments

Wheelchair access Yes
Information about wheelchair access Ramp to the front of the property.

Ofsted information

Last Ofsted rating Good
Date of last Ofsted report 16/03/2022
Ofsted reference number 143123

Costs and funding

Costs No
Sibling discount No
Registered for 3 to 4 year old funding Yes
Registered for 2 year old funding Yes
Registered to offer 30 hours funding Yes

About the setting

Age range 2 years 0 months to 4 years 10 months
Capacity 2 year old: 5 places
3-4 year old: 19 places
Immediate vacancies No
Cultural notes As per our settings policies.
School pick-up All Saints Church School, Montacute


Address Baptist School Room, Baptist Chapel, South Street, Montacute, Somerset, TA15 6XD

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