We follow the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) Framework and key workers create individual plans to support each child. For more information about the EYFS please click here; ; In accordance with national guidelines, we actively promote healthy eating and provide a nutritionally balanced snack in the morning and afternoon. You can provide your child with a packed lunch, or order a cooked meal that is provided by the local secondary school, Kingsmead School in Wiveliscombe.; ; Our outside space has recently been refurbished and includes new climbing equipment, story chair and lots more. ; ; Milverton Primary School has wonderful grounds and we actively support outdoor play and use the natural surroundings to promote learning about our environment. ; ; We also have our own Forest School area and our ‘Tree Town’ behind the Pre-school building. The children are given the freedom to direct their own learning and to enter in to a certain amount of ‘risky’ play to develop their learning. This helps give the children:; ; Increased self-esteem and self-confidence; Improved social skills; The development of language and communication skills; Improved physical motor skills; Improved motivation and concentration; Increased knowledge and understanding of the environment