Your Adult Social Care journey
The steps in your journey
We have a legal duty to prevent, reduce or delay the need for care and support.
This includes making sure we support people early and helping them to understand how and where they can help themselves.
We want to provide easy-to-find, understandable information to help you make choices and decisions about care and support.
What to expect in the adult social care journey
Finding your own care and support
We have listed some links that you may find useful and will hopefully give you some knowledge and tools that you will need to make the best choices for your situation.
We want to make the process of finding support as straightforward and stress-free as possible. And make sure that everyone can access the care and support they need to live a fulfilling and independent life.
Care support, advice and guidance
Adult social care is help for adults who need extra support because they have disabilities, mental health problems, or are getting older. This help can include eating, washing, dressing, and doing household chores.
Discussing and accessing your needs
A care and support assessment is where we will talk with you about what you want to achieve at home or out and about. This is often called outcomes. This is to help you to be as independent as possible. These are written into a care and support plan. You may prefer to write this yourself, or with the help of someone else, but we will have to make sure that the plan will safely achieve the things we agreed.
Care and support planning
During your care and support assessment, we will talk with you about the things you would like to achieve (often called outcomes). This is to help you to be as independent as possible. These are written into a care and support plan.
Delivering care and support
We follow the rules as set out in the Care Act 2014 which came into force in April 2015. The Care Act brings together lots of Government Acts that were written between 1948 and 2014 into one document. It has revised some areas, making them clearer, and introduced new requirements.
A major element in the Care Act is a requirement to promote a person’s well-being in relation to their disability or impairment. We must have your wellbeing at the heart of everything we do, whether you are talking with an advisor or a social care worker about your care needs or when we help you write your care and support plan.
Care and support plan monitoring and review
We work under the framework of The Care Act. The Care Act states that everyone receiving money or a service from us must have at least one review a year. Some people may need more than this.
When it is time to assess your care and support plan, someone will get in touch to set up a convenient time to talk with you and anyone who helps you. This is to check if your care and support plan is working. This meeting is called a review.
Further information
Concern about an adult
If you are a vulnerable adult and would like our help or know someone who needs help, let us know. In an emergency always contact the police by dialing 999.