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The Care Act

Legislation that we follow to provide Adult Social Care services

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Legislation that we follow to provide Adult Social Care services

What it means for you

What it means for you

The Care Act came into force in April 2015. It brought together a number of existing laws, and introduced new duties to ensure that wellbeing, dignity and choice are at the heart of Adults services.


We need to make sure we provide you with clear, good quality information and advice on local care and support services, so that you can make your own decisions about your care. We have a website, called Connect Somerset. You can use it to search an e-marketplace to find the services you need.

Buy it yourself

If you are eligible for funded care and support you can receive the money as a personal budget, which you can have as a Direct Payment. You can then decide what care and support services you want – putting you in control of your own care. If you already receive funded services, you can have a Direct Payment. Speak to your social care worker or visit our Direct Payments page to find out more.

More choice

We encourage care providers to plan support services that meet the needs of local people, and help new creative and non-traditional businesses set up in the area, to provide more choice.

Fair care wherever you live

No matter where you live in the country, you can expect the same level of support – putting an end to the previous national postcode lottery.

Giving you a voice

If you are finding it difficult to understand the process or speak up for yourself, and there is no one else to help you, the Council must find an independent advocate who will help you say what you want to say.

Keeping adults safe

We will continue to work with people who are at risk of abuse or neglect to keep them safe from harm. The Care Act now gives the Council a legal duty to do this.

Stay independent and well

We work with you to keep you independent and well. We will help you find support and buy the tools you need to stay independent – such as mobility aids, help with your shopping or gardening, and access to social activities. These things can help you in the short term and prevent you from developing needs for long-term care.

Deferring payments so you can keep your home

For many people the only way to fund care home costs is to sell their home. Deferred payments, which are already offered in Somerset, give you the option to request that the Council pays your care home bills so you can delay selling your home. The Council will be paid back when you decide to sell your home, or when you die, giving you more flexibility and security.

Tell your story once

We are trying to work closely with the NHS and our other partners so that you only have to tell your story once.

Carers get more help

‘Caring’ for someone covers lots of different things, like helping with their washing, dressing or eating, taking them to regular appointments or checking on them regularly to help keep them safe. If this sounds like you, we will work with you to understand your needs and find ways to help so you can carry on caring and living your life.

A lifetime cap on care costs

Most people pay something towards the cost of their care. The government is looking to introduce a limit to the amount anyone has to pay for care in their lifetime. So, if the cost of your care reaches a certain limit the Council would start to pay for your care. The cap on care costs was due to start in April 2016 but the government decided to delay this until April 2020 following concerns raised by local authorities on the short timescales to introduce the new system and the cost implications.

Last updated: January 20, 2025

Next review due: July 20, 2025

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