Report it
If you are worried about a vulnerable adult and would like our help, tell us about it.
- Phone our Adult Social Care Team on 0300 123 2224
- Email
- If it is not an emergency and you want to talk with the police, dial 101
When you phone us, we will make urgent enquiries to understand the situation and decide what to do next to make sure people are safe. We will always deal with any calls in the strictest confidence.
To speak to a social worker outside of office hours, please phone Adults and Mental Health out of hours on 0300 123 23 27
You can find more information about living a life free from fear, harm and abuse on our Somerset Safeguarding Adults website.
Working Together Partnership Protocol 2016 to 2017
The Partnership organisations are all committed to working together at every level to keep Somerset people safe from harm and to improve their health and wellbeing. The Partnership organisations are:
- Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board
- Somerset Children’s Trust
- Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership
- Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board
- Somerset Corporate Parenting Board
- Safer Somerset Partnership
A joint protocol has been signed to ensure that the Boards are working together to support each other, avoid duplication and provide effective leadership for Somerset.