Latest advice

The deadline to claim your £100 was the 10 August 2024.

About the Household Support Fund

The Household Support Fund is designed to provide short-term urgent financial help to Somerset residents who are struggling to afford household essentials. It can provide financial help with things like buying food and paying for pre-payment meter energy bills. Funding is provided by the Department for Work and Pensions, through Somerset Council.

Why am I getting £100?

Somerset Council has decided that a simple and effective way to make sure support is provided to people who need help with the cost of living, is to give £100 to everyone in Somerset who receives Pension Credit.

How do I claim my £100?

To claim your £100, you must take your letter and appropriate evidence to any branch of the Post Office.

Redeeming your letter with the Post Office is the only way to claim your £100.

What evidence do I need to provide to claim my £100?

You will need evidence of your name and address, or a photo identification (ID). Examples of evidence are provided in the letter, including:

  • Passport
  • Driver’s licence
  • Utility bill
  • Council Tax bill
  • Blue Badge
  • Pension credit notification letter

If you cannot go to the Post Office to claim your £100

You can ask a friend or family member to go for you. There are instructions in the letter.

I have Power of Attorney for the person eligible to claim their £100 – how do I claim on their behalf?

Please bring proof of your Power of Attorney with you, along with identification for the person eligible to claim, and you will be able to claim the £100 from the Post Office.

I have received the letter for someone who I am the DWP appointee of - how do I claim on their behalf?

If you are the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) appointee of someone receiving pension credit, you may have received that individual’s letter for claiming support from the Household Support Fund. You should be able to complete this letter following the instructions given as a ‘trusted person’.

If your person is someone who is unable to sign and complete this form to give to a ‘trusted person’, you should either take proof of Power of Attorney or proof of DWP appointeeship along with identification for you and the person when redeeming the letter.

Proof of DWP appointeeship could be, for example, the BF57 form you receive when you are appointed by the DWP .

Why can't you put this money straight into my bank account?

Unfortunately, bank details already held by the council could not be shared for this purpose. We are looking into other options for future payments.

Can I provide a photocopy of my ID?

No, your ID should be original, not a photocopy.

Should I be worried about data protection and my privacy?

Your personal details are safe and confidential. If you are concerned about your data, please contact us on

Last updated: October 8, 2024

Next review due: April 8, 2025

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