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Learning Disabilities Partnership Board

Information about the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board and how to get involved

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Information about the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board and how to get involved

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Who we are

We are a group of customers and carers who tell people about our experiences and our views. We talk to councils, health and other groups to make things better for people with learning disabilities in Somerset.

Get involved

We complete a joint self-assessment to check how good services are for people with learning disabilities and their carers.

We need your help

We want to talk to more people and group to help us represent people better, improving services for and raising awareness of people with learning disabilities.

How you can help

  • Become a member of our board
  • Attend our four meetings a year
  • Represent a group who we can talk to


To find out more about the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board, please email Ami Bestall – Service Manager, Learning Disabilities and Autism.

Last updated: January 21, 2025

Next review due: July 21, 2025

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