Assessing how well local authorities are performing against their duties under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014 is a new responsibility for the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the regulator of health and adult social care in England.
The Care Quality Commission work to make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and encourage care services to improve.
The assessment framework launched from April 2023 as part of the Health and Care Act 2022. This was to provide meaningful and independent assessments of care at a Local Authority level.
How we will be assessed
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessment framework for local authorities comprises 9 quality statements mapped across 4 assessment themes:
Theme 1 – Working with people
Theme 2 – Providing support
Theme 3 – Ensuring safety
Theme 4 – Leadership
For more information about the local authority assessment process and framework visit:
Information and evidence that will inform the assessment
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) will gather and consider a range of evidence based on:
- What they already have from national data collections and insights
- What they need to request from each Local Authority (for example, specific strategies, feedback, self-assessments)
- What they need to actively collect (for example, from case tracking, surveys with providers or drop-in sessions with staff)
They will seek and use feedback directly from people using services and carers, as well as feedback from community groups, partners and care providers, and feedback from staff and leaders.
Read more about the Local Authority information return and guidance, including case tracking on the Care Quality Commission How we will gather evidence webpage.
Who the Care Quality Commission will talk to
- The Council’s Chief Executive and Leader
- The Council’s Lead Elected Member for Adult Social Care and Shadow portfolio holder
- The Council’s Adult Social Care senior leadership team
- Frontline staff teams
- People using services and unpaid carers
- Care providers
- Voluntary and community groups
- Healthwatch
- Local Care Quality Commission teams
- NHS / Integrated Care Systems (ICS) partners
- Safeguarding Adults Board Chair and members
- Others as needed (for example, Housing)
How and when the Care Quality Commission ratings will be published
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) will publish scores and ratings for local authorities once they have gathered enough evidence to make a judgement. They will publish the:
- Overall rating, and
- A score for each quality statement.
For more information visit How we reach a rating – Care Quality Commission (
When Somerset Council will be assessed
Somerset Council is awaiting formal notification of a Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessment.
The Care Quality Commission plans to assess each Local Authority once within the initial formal two-year assessment period. When the Care Quality Commission have carried out an initial formal assessment of all local authorities, they will be able to understand how well they are meeting their Care Act duties as a starting point. The Care Quality Commission will then begin their longer-term approach to regular ongoing assessments.
Work continues to be undertaken to support local readiness. The Council welcomes the additional transparency and assurance this independent process will offer Somerset residents, our staff, partners and stakeholders.
Contact us
The Council’s Adult Social Care Policy, Performance and Assurance Team are responsible for preparing for and coordinating Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessment in Somerset. They are also responsible for maintaining the content of this webpage.
Any queries should please be directed to the team mailbox: