How we group our information
This page lists our information sheets. The documents are in PDF format so that you can save them or print them. They are all created in large print.
If you would like them in a different format, such as on tape or CD, or in Braille, please contact us and we will send them to you.
Our information sheets are grouped by topic and code number to make them easier to find.
Webinar links
Navigating Care and Costs: Your Online Social Care Roadshow
In 2025, Somerset Council held a series of free, online webinars to help individuals plan care and support needs for themselves or those they care for. These webinars contain further detail to the information provided in the Information Sheets listed below. They may also be beneficial for those who would prefer to receive information in an audio form.
A playlist containing all the recordings listed below is available on Somerset Council’s YouTube channel: Navigating Care and Costs: Your Online Social Care Roadshow 2025 (
Wills and Lasting Power of Attorney
Wills and Lasting Power of Attorney: Managing an Individual’s Finances – Webinar (
This webinar provides an easy-to-understand explanation of the various support an individual can get when they are managing someone else’s finances (like a parent or a loved one), and which authorities are the best to apply for in a given circumstance. The session also covers what help we can offer and what this can look like.
For more information about lasting power of attorney forms, please visit Lasting powers of attorney forms – GOV.UK
Supporting the Armed Forces community in Somerset
Supporting the Armed Forces community in Somerset – Webinar (
This webinar provides detailed information on the types of help and support available to our Armed Forces community in Somerset. It doesn’t matter if you are serving, a family member of a Veteran, you are all part of the community and there are specific services available.
Find out more here on Veterans medical funds page
Navigating Direct Payments
Navigating Direct Payments – Webinar (
In this webinar, Direct Payments are explained in regard to what they are, the benefits of having one and what they can and cannot be used for.
Financial Assessments for Care Funding
Financial Assessments for Care Funding – Webinar (
This webinar covers everything you need to know if you are interested in having a financial assessment by Somerset Council to receive funding for the care of yourself or someone you support.
Some of the topics in this webinar include:
- Types and methods of financial assessments
- Finding out what is classed as Capital
- Finding out how property is treated
- Maximising benefits
- When to contact Somerset Council for care funding
Understanding how Adult Social Care works
Understanding how Adult Social Care works Webinar
This webinar provides an overview of Adult Social Care processes including assessments and reviews, the financial eligibility criteria for services under the Care Act 2014 and what to do when finances drop towards the local authority funding threshold.
Personalised Community Support for Carers in Somerset
Personalised Community Support for Carers in Somerset Webinar
In this webinar you will find out about the support available for unpaid carers across the county from Somerset Carers and Alzheimer’s Society including practical advice on equipment, funding and respite to meeting and sharing experiences with others in a similar situation
B - Care and support at home
C - Money matters
- C1 Information for people who pay for their own care
- C2 Direct Payments: An introduction
- C3 Direct Payments guidance
- C4 Getting independent financial advice
- C5 Help with paying for care and support
- C6 How your personal budget contribution is worked out
- C7 Calculating your contribution: Your checklist
- C8 Money and people who lack capacity
- C9 Direct Payments – Easy Word
- C10 Direct Payments Policy
- Direct Payments agreement form
D - Care homes and housing options
F - Information for people with sight loss
G - Information for people with hearing loss
- G1 Deafness and hearing loss
- G2 Deafness and hearing loss – Methods of communication
- G3 Deafness and hearing loss – Your rights
- G4 Deafness and hearing loss – Employment
- G5 Deafness and hearing loss – Leisure, holidays and travel
- G6 Deafness and hearing loss – Hearing therapy
- G7 Deafness and hearing loss – Mental Health Services