Local business groups and networks in Wincanton

These groups support businesses in Wincanton

Wincanton Chamber of Commerce

Wincanton Chamber is the local Chamber of Commerce for Wincanton & District. Their role is to support and encourage members and help promote a healthy local economy. Wincanton Chamber is an associate membership of the Somerset Chamber, which means that they can access help through the chamber system at local, county and national levels.

Wincanton Chamber of Commerce website

Somerset Chamber of Commerce

Somerset Chamber of Commerce promotes and lobbies for business development in Somerset.

​Established in 1994, Somerset Chamber of commerce works hard to support local businesses, specifically our 500-strong network of member businesses covering all industry sectors, from sole-traders to multi-national corporations. Combined with local town chambers, Somerset Chamber represents over 2,000 businesses across Somerset.

Somerset Chamber of Commerce website


M-Hub is a network of manufacturing and engineering businesses across Yeovil and the surrounding area. The group shares learning, supply chain opportunities and business support with the purpose to increase standards and grow the industry in and around the Yeovil area.

M-Hub website

Federation of Small Businesses

The Federation of Small Businesses is a non-profit making and non-political, membership based organisation that is led by its members. They provide a package of business support and services and campaign for change that supports smaller businesses to grow and succeed. They offer free events to all small business and the self-employed.

Federation of Small Businesses website

Last updated: August 6, 2024

Next review due: February 6, 2025

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