Wincanton Regeneration
Investing in Wincanton's future
The plan for Wincanton Town Centre
The Wincanton Town Centre Strategy was produced in 2019 following public consultation and engagement with key stakeholders. Public feedback informed the ‘vision’ which is for Wincanton town centre to become a place that:
- Is well used and a thriving place to live, work and visit.
- Has an enhanced retail, community and social function that encourages visits during the day and in the evening
- Makes more of the centres special cultural and heritage character through improvements to the public realm and buildings to attract investment into the town centre.
- Has a wider mix of uses, including commercial floor space and quality housing that supports enterprise, creativity and vibrancy.
- Will create a convenient and attractive destination for both local residents and visitors, using the unique assets of Wincanton town centre and the surrounding area.
As we approach the final year of the project, a diverse range of initiatives will help to deliver the strategy objectives within three main themes:
- Broadening the mix of uses – includes engaging landowners of vacant premises, and under-used sites to promote owner driven re-use of the building or alternative uses appropriate to the town centre.
- Enhancing the attractiveness of the town centre – suggestions for modest interventions such as planting/greening schemes, work to align trading hours, and larger specific projects such as public realm improvements and a property grant programme which will be launched early April 2022
- Creating a destination – this includes a variety of projects from one off events, marketing initiatives, partnership with local attractors, signage within and to/from and within the town.