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Somerset Innovation Centres

Innovation support services for businesses within Somerset’s key growth sectors


Innovation partnership logos

Somerset Council has invested £13million and secured external funding across:

  • Growth Deal (£14.2million)
  • European Regional Development Fund (£6.8million)
  • The Getting Building Fund (£5.7million)

This money is being used to deliver a network of innovation centres and wrap-around innovation support services for businesses in Somerset’s key growth sectors. Each element has been co-designed and produced in close collaboration with industry and in partnership with the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership, HM Government and key industry stakeholders.

The network is a key part of our efforts to produce higher productivity and wages in Somerset. We are doing this by driving growth through collaboration and innovation. It is also helping Somerset to deliver cleaner growth through:

  • Ongoing developments in clean energy
  • Less carbon-intensive aerospace solutions
  • New and improved digital solutions

All of which are crucial to achieving Somerset’s net zero commitment.

The iAero Centre - Yeovil

Logo for iAero

The iAero Centre is a 2,398 square metres research, design and innovation facility in Yeovil. It was built to support the competitiveness and growth of Somerset’s aerospace sector and associated high-value design and engineering technology supply chains. The Centre offers high-quality office, light industrial and collaboration space and innovation support services. It has been funded by the European Union Regional Development Fund, Local Growth Deal Funding and the government’s Getting Building Fund.

Find out more on the iAero Centre website.

Somerset Energy Innovation Centre (SEIC) - Bridgwater

The Somerset Energy Innovation Centre in Bridgwater cost £19 million and and is 6,100 square meters in size. It is a hub where businesses work together to explore opportunities in the clean energy sector. Phase 1 of the campus (SEIC 1) was established to meet the needs of the multi-billion-pound construction of two new nuclear reactors at Hinkley Point C. This created a supply chain integration facility that made sure Somerset SME were well placed and supported to win contracts. The campus has since grown to include two additional facilities (SEIC 2 and 3). The ambition is to create a sustainable economic legacy through the growth of a South West low carbon energy cluster.

SEIC is a catalyst for collaboration and innovation. It provides dynamic space and expert support to the businesses at the heart of the growing low-carbon energy supply chain. It provides a flexible range of high-quality office and meeting spaces, along with a café and networking area. The facility is operated by the South West Manufacturing Advisory Service (SWMAS), who through their expertise advise and support companies to develop capability, innovate and grow.

Find out more on the Somerset Energy Innovation Centre website.

Firepool Centre for Digital Innovation (FCDI) - Taunton

Digitalisation now underpins nearly all sectors and Somerset is poised to make full use of the opportunities across digital and data.

Due to open in spring 2024, the £11 million Digital Innovation Centre will provide a 2,493 square-metre innovation facility in the heart of Taunton. The Centre is designed to drive innovation-led growth in the digital sector, create and safeguard jobs, and provide small and medium-sized businesses with the right support to grow their companies in Somerset. The capital funding for the construction and fit-out of the Centre was secured from the European Union Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and HM Government’s Getting Building Fund.

You can read more on the Firepool Centre for Digital Innovation website.

An outside view of the Firepool Centre for Digital Innovation. It is a three storey brick building with large floor to ceiling windows and a large section in the centre that is completely glazed

Innovation Support Services

The Somerset Innovation Network (SI-Net) supports collaboration and innovation across Somerset’s three innovation centres:

  • Somerset Energy Innovation Centre (SEIC)
  • Somerset Digital Innovation Centre (SDIC)
  • iAero. Business West

Working in consortia with other expert agencies, delivers fully-funded support services to tenants and users of the three centres.

The support that businesses can access includes, but is not limited to:

  • Sector-specific expertise and advice across Digital, Aerospace and Advanced engineering and the Low carbon renewable energy sectors
  • Business Diagnostic and Action Planning
  • Supply Chain Certification
  • Business Process and Structure
  • Principles of Collaboration
  • Market Strategy
  • Digital Marketing
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Digital IP
  • Access to Finance

European Regional Development Fund

European regional development fund logo

The iAero (Yeovil) Centre Project is receiving up to £3,049,240 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Somerset Digital Innovation Centre is also receiving up to £1,700,000 of funding under the same programme. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities is the Managing Authority for ERDF. Established by the European Union, ERDF funds help local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations.

Last updated: March 7, 2025

Next review due: September 7, 2025

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