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A press release written by the former Mendip District Council, March 2022, on a project to tackle food waste by Mendip hospitality businesses



Press Release from the former Mendip District Council: March 2022

Mendip District Council has launched a food waste pilot project to help hospitality businesses reduce their food waste, save money and do their bit for the planet.

Mendip successfully bid for £9,095 of government money to support the scheme and has already put it to good use, contacting 500 organisations by phone and email, plus 60 one-to-one visits with local businesses.

In addition, Mendip has been working with the charity, Waste Resource Action Programme (WRAP), to educate businesses and offer bespoke support through the Net Zero Now Membership (an organisation which helps businesses produce net zero emissions).

The news comes during this year’s Food Waste Action Week (7-13 March), which highlights the environmental consequences of wasting food, and promotes activities that help to reduce the amount we waste.

The Crown Inn pub, Frome

One Mendip business which has benefitted from the scheme is The Crown Inn pub, Frome.

Dan Carr, Director of The Crown Inn, said: “We are very keen to reduce all areas of waste. So we were delighted when Mendip approached us to be part of this new food waste drive.

“Apart from the obvious benefits through ‘doing our bit’, at The Crown Inn we see saving as the same as earning. And in difficult market conditions, waste reduction can be the difference between profit and loss.”

Cllr Heather Shearer, Portfolio Holder for Community Health Services, said: “By collaborating with our hospitality businesses and listening to their concerns, we hope to better understand what issues or blockers they may be facing which stop them adopting more efficient ways of managing food waste.

“This project is about finding solutions to empower Mendip businesses to take action, which ultimately will save them money and reduce their carbon footprint.”

This work supports Mendip’s commitment to tackling climate change.

Businesses are encouraged to contact the Council if they would like to better manage their food waste by visiting, Somerset Business Hub.

The results of the pilot project will be made available in the spring.

Last reviewed: May 1, 2024 by Daniel

Next review due: November 1, 2024

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