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Filming fees and charges

Somerset Council charges fees for the use of its land and property, both interior and exterior, for filming purposes and associated unit bases

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Somerset Council charges fees for the use of its land and property, both interior and exterior, for filming purposes and associated unit bases

IntroductionAdministration feeGeneral viewsDrone filmingCouncil land and propertyHighwaysParking


Any commercial filming or photography undertaken on land of property owned or managed by Somerset Council-owned requires a permit from us. 

To request a permit please complete the Application to Film form, available on Screen Somerset.

Fees shown below do not include VAT. 

Administration fee

We charge a fee for processing applications. This includes checking of relevant documentation (such as Public Liability Insurance), quality assuring Risk Assessments, checking there are no clashes with other events and preparing the permit.

Permit to film

Crew sizeMore than 5 working days noticeLess than 5 working days notice
Crew size1 to 10More than 5 working days notice£50Less than 5 working days notice£75
Crew sizeMore than 10More than 5 working days notice£75Less than 5 working days notice£100

Further fees may be charged depending on the nature of the of the request. 

General views

The capturing of images of Somerset, its landmarks, buildings, streets, and outdoor spaces. This does not include news pieces, interviews, or drone filming.

Permit for general views

Crew sizeHalf a day
(up to five hours)
Full day
(up to 8 hours)
Crew sizeAny crew sizeHalf a day
(up to five hours)
Full day
(up to 8 hours)

Drone filming

If you wish to take off or land a drone from Somerset Council land (including the highway or pavements) for commercial filming, you need to apply for filming permission. Drone filming does not require locational fees. 

Please visit our Drone filming page for details of required documentation.

Crew sizeHalf a day
(up to 5 hours)
Full day
(up to 8 hours)
Crew sizeAny crew sizeHalf a day
(up to 5 hours)
Full day
(up to 8 hours)

Council land and property

Somerset Council charges fees for the use of its land and property, both interior and exterior, including roads for which the Council is responsible, for filming purposes and associated unit bases.

The following fees are for guidance, precise fees to be agreed depending on disruption and requirements of Council staff time. For more information please contact us.

Crew sizeHalf day (up to 4 hours)Full day
Crew sizeSmall (up to 10 people)Half day (up to 4 hours)£250Full day£500
Crew sizeMedium (11 to 40 people)Half day (up to 4 hours)£350Full day£700
Crew sizeLarge (over 40 people)Half day (up to 4 hours)£500Full day£1000


You will need to complete the relevant application forms and get permission from the Council Highways team if your filming will have any impact on the highway including:

  • road closures
  • temporary traffic restrictions
  • traffic management
  • footway or pavement closures

Please review our Closing a road for an event page for more detail about timescales and costs, which can start at £645 for a temporary road closure. Alternatively please email our events team to discuss.


On and off-street parking spaces can be secure in support of filming. Fees are negotiated depending on requirements.

For a list and map of all the Council run, off-street car parks please visit our Car Parks directory.

Last updated: December 16, 2024

Next review due: June 16, 2025

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