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Drone filming

If you wish to operate a drone over Somerset Council land for commercial filming, you will need to apply for filming permission

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If you wish to operate a drone over Somerset Council land for commercial filming, you will need to apply for filming permission



If you wish to take off or land a drone from Somerset Council land, including the highway or pavements, for commercial filming you need to apply for filming permission.

As well as a copy of your Public Liability Insurance to the value of £10m or above, we need to see:

  • A copy of the drone pilot’s C CAA licence, including Operator ID
  • Method statement including description of activity, maximum height, a site plan or map showing take-off and landing points. You will also need to provide a flight plan and area of operation, whether the drone will fly above any people, roads or buildings and details of the drone (including category and weight).
  • A risk assessment

When you fly a drone in the UK, it is your responsibility to be aware of the rules in place to keep everyone safe. Please read the Civil Aviation Authority’s Drone and Model Aircraft Code.

You can apply to film in Somerset using our online form. A fee is charged if you wish to take off or land a drone from Somerset Council land or property. Please see our Filming fees and charges.

Last updated: January 20, 2025

Next review due: July 20, 2025

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