Net zero for business

Somerset Council is committed to tackling climate change and is working towards a carbon neutral Somerset by 2030

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Somerset Council is committed to tackling climate change and is working towards a carbon neutral Somerset by 2030

IntroductionSomerset ‘Go Green’ Scheme


Somerset Council is committed to tackling climate change and is working towards a carbon neutral Somerset by 2030. We are asking everyone who runs a business in Somerset to consider ways in which their business can help tackle climate change.

Learn about our Somerset Green Business Support Scheme, find tools for calculating your organisation’s carbon footprint, guidance for improving energy efficiency, funding opportunities and other useful resources.

Somerset ‘Go Green’ Scheme

The ‘Go Green Scheme’ offers practical help and financial support to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.

The scheme is available to Somerset based businesses with up to 250 employees. Scheme is delivered by the Net Zero specialist consultancy Balanced Energy.

It helps eligible micro, small and medium sized enterprises to understand their energy consumption and shows how this can be reduced to save money.

The Go Green Scheme is funded from the Local Growth Fund and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Sign up and find out more on Go Green Scheme website.

Last updated: August 22, 2024

Next review due: February 22, 2025

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