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Topic papers and reports on how decisions have been made and proposed workforce uplifts for Hinkley Point C Uplift 1, 2022

DecisionFinal Topic PapersTopics papers



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Somerset Council and North Somerset Council (The Joint Councils) have concluded their review of the Topic Papers. Whilst the local authorities have worked with EDF on the Topic Papers, they are EDF’s documents. The Councils agree with the majority of the conclusions drawn, but this is not the case in all areas.

The Joint Councils conclude that subject to the proposed package of mitigation being delivered on time and appropriately managed and monitored through amendments to relevant management strategies or plans and a supplemental S106 agreement to secure additional obligations that it is not anticipated that the workforce uplift would give rise to any materially new or different effects. The attached reports set out for Sedgemoor how these decisions have been made in relation to both Executive and Planning delegations

Final Topic Papers

Following initial high-level discussions with officers from the Joint Councils in early 2020, EDF have been undertaking voluntary assessments of the impacts of the proposed workforce uplift across six topic area:

  1. Accommodation
  2. Transport
  3. Workforce development
  4. Community safety
  5. Health
  6. Environment

EDF has produced a Topic Paper for each of these areas and an overarching Spatial Distribution Note to explain the likely spatial distribution of the workforce (which ultimately influences the potential impacts on the housing market and transport strategy).

Whilst the local authorities have worked with EDF on the Topic Papers, they are EDF’s documents. The Councils agree with the majority of the conclusions drawn, but this is not the case in all areas. Both parties, however, recognise the need to work collectively together to resolve issues and develop solutions that will mitigate any potential new impacts, particularly in a timely manner before the peak workforce is achieved in early 2023. A Briefing paper has been provided to all Councillors across the Joint Councils and is available alongside the topic papers.

Last updated: May 8, 2024

Next review due: November 8, 2024

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