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Screen Somerset

We help filmmakers and photographers find locations in Somerset and provide what support we can to make their productions run smoothly

Filming in England logo

Screen Somerset is part of Somerset Council. As a member of the Filming in England Partnership, we are keen to encourage and support filming throughout the county. We are here to help filmmakers and photographers find locations and unit bases and provide what support we can to make their productions run smoothly. For information or advice on locations, potential unit bases and other aspects of filming in Somerset, please contact us.

Applying to film in Somerset

If you would like to film on land or property owned or managed by Somerset Council, including filming on the highway or for still photography, please complete the Application Form below. You will be asked to provide a copy of your Risk Assessment(s) and your certificate of Public Liability Insurance.

Please make sure you provide all the essential information and sign the Somerset Filming Code of Conduct. This will help process your application as quickly as possible.

If your filming will have any impact on the highway – such as road closures, temporary traffic restrictions, traffic management, or footway closures – please make this clear in the relevant section of your application. These elements will be picked up by our highways team and may need separate permissions and specific lead-in times.

If you would like to discuss your filming needs before submitting the form, please contact us.


Somerset has a fantastic range of locations, from coast to moor, historic buildings and beautiful towns.

View all filming locations

Three logos, Funded by UK government, Somerset Council, and Levelling Up

Somerset Council is receiving funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), which is investing in communities and supporting local businesses, people and skills. For more information, visit our UK Shared Prosperity Fund Prospectus page.